~(Y/N)'s POV~
Dust and I stayed cuddled on the couch for a while, just enjoying the company of one another in silence. Every once in a while, Dust would look and mumble something, but I could rarely understand it. He did it at least four times before I sighed. "What's wrong, (Y/N)..?" "You keep mumbling- what's up?" Dust glanced off somewhere for a minute before turning back to me. "Uh, I'll tell you when you get back..." I went to protest, to object- I wanted to hear something that could be significant, but there was a knock at the door that undoubtedly belonged to Nightmare. I sighed and kissed Dust's cheek, his boney cheeks blossoming into a dull purple-grey color.
"Okay, but you have to promise me we'll talk about this, okay? I'm worried about you." "I- shit, I really don't like making promises, (Y/N)..." "Fine, then...just...please?" "...okay, we'll talk about it. I'll do my best." I wanted to ask what he meant by 'doing his best', but Nightmare knocked again, more agitated. I rolled my eyes and kissed Dust gently, the other cupping my cheek with one of his cold, boney hands. I lingered for a moment before pulling away. "You can go chill in my room if you want...just don't go through my stuff?" "Wouldn't dream of it...bye, (Y/N)." "Bye, Dusty."
I got up from the couch, walking over to my front door and unlocking it, pulling it open a bit. Lo and behold, it was indeed the dark king who had so creepily insisted I go with him to Error about my training. "About time." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, leaning against the door. "Well? Go on, make an interdimensional portal or whatever." "Most humans would not be so dismissive of my immense po-" "And most humans aren't training with a God to develop lost long veins of magic residing in their Soul, so I guess I'm just built different, mm? Now open the fucking portal, dude."
Nightmare muttered under his breath, calling me an insolent mortal or something before finally opening a portal with a swish of those tentacles. In all honesty, it was pretty badass, but I'm not feeding that dangerously high ego any more. He gestured to it, as if he weren't coming as well. "You're not going?" "Ha! Of course not, I have other, much more important things to attend to. I am simply allowing you to enter, considering I am one of the few beings who can create a portal to the Anti-Void." I blinked slowly. "...what? Sorry, you're just so boring to listen to that I disassociated." Nightmare used one of those inky appendages to push me through, making me stumble a bit.
I blinked, slowly feeling my eyes adjust to the vast expanse of nothingness that I've come to know as Error's domain. Speaking of Error, I saw him sitting on a singular bean bag with a window open to another dimension. He turned to look at me, seeing as I was the only other scrap of color in the near vicinity. Of course, I knew other things resided in Error's domain now; things hidden above tangled in his blue strings, or even just things so far off in the distance, that Error couldn't see until he got closer.
"WElL, it toOK yOU LoNg enOUGh. Did THAT gOoPY OCtOpUS fOrget HOw To crEate POrtals?" I snorted and moved closer, tucking my hands into the pockets of my baggy jeans. "No, he just interrupted my breakfast and wouldn't let me shower. Us humans have to make sure we don't stink." "Yeah YEah, SkeLeTon moNSteRS sHOwer TOO." "Even Nightmare? Isn't he, like, completely made of that nasty, goopy shit?" "yEAH, evEn tHAT StINKy ASs OCtOPus. LOoK, yOu'rE gEtTING mE OFf topIC- wE're TraiNIng, oKAy? gOnNa trY AnD GEt You tO the nEXt lEVel. LitERaLLy." I cocked my head, confused. Is he talking in video game references now? That's super fucking weird, even for him. "Level?"
"WELl i've TOlD yOU KiNdA aBOut stats AND sTufF, RiGHT? i SAY "LevEl" aS In lv oR lOVE- lEVel Of vIOlEnCe." "Oh yeah- LV, EXP, uh...I forgot the rest-" "iTS nOt ThAT imPoRtAnt, Exp, or eXEcuTioN poINTS, SlOwlY ACcUMUlaTe INTO LV. We wANT to INCrEasE YOUr Lv In a cHaNge Of GEtTINg YoU UP To 10. iNCREAsING youR LV inCreaseS YoUr at, Df, AnD Hp." I nodded, trying to think of what those meant. Keeping the game-ish theme, "AT" was probably attack, "DF" defense, and "HP" hit points...neat. "So you're telling me I need to get EXP to increase my LV and get better stats?" Error's mismatched eyelights seemed to sparkle. He nodded, starting on one of his monologues about how incredible he is as a teacher.
Murderous Desire {Dust x Reader}
FanfictionAfter a close friend of (Y/N)'s introduces them to their 'Skunkles', they quickly hit it off due to their mutual distrust of humans and disdain of humanity. This...Skunkle then introduces our dear protagonist to a group of his closest friends, one o...