Chapter 19- Just A Little Longer

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*Mature content*

*Serene’s POV*

I was awakened by freezing cold water being thrown on me. In my shivering state I heard Lyon ordered the guards to grab me before I was picked up and dragged out the cell. I was taken to a familiar looking room and my shackles rose once I realised where I was. It was where he assaulted me for the first time. I knew what was about to happen.


I thrown onto the bed.


My clothes were ripped off me.


The door was closed and he came towards with that evil look in his eyes.


I fought.

I fought him. I wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Not this time! I screamed for all I was worth before he backhanded me. I punched, kicked and scratched everywhere I could before he grunted in annoyance and dragged me by my hair to another end and produced some chains. I started fighting harder.

I was weak, weak from months of abuse, torture and malnourishment. He overpowered me quickly. I was chained hands and feet while still trying to fend him off. My arms were spread eagle but I kept my legs squeezed closed. He forced them apart before placing himself in between and staring down at my naked body. I shivered in disgust at the lustful look on his face and tensed as he slowly dragged a finger from the valley of my breast all the way down to the top of my mound.

"You know, I’ve gotten tired of these games.” he said while undoing the buttons of his pants. “You didn’t have to make this so hard you know Rene Rene.” soon all he was left in was his undergarments which were soon removed. Laying naked over me looking my body up and down as he held his member aiming it at my entrance. “But. You have made it a very fun game for me. Now,” he pushed my legs open wider and I tensed up more. Bracing myself. “Now I’m gonna have my fun with you, then let my guards have a taste. How’d you feel about that huh?” he said, rising over me. The bile rose in my throat.

He’d barely inserted himself when an alarm sounded and harsh knocking was heard on the door. He growled in annoyance as he got off me to open it.


I lifted my head and saw that the corridors were absolute mayhem. “I’m sorry to bother you my King, but we’re under attack. The neighboring kingdom, Asnuelia. They’re attacking us your grace!”

My heart started beating quickly.

“What?! What do you mean they’re attacking us?! What happened to the army? Let them deal with it!”

The soldier looked nervous. “I’m sorry my king. But your army has been wiped out. It was poison.” Lyon lowered his hands in disbelief. “Every last one. It was the Infinity Drug.”

The relief was so great, I couldn’t stop the laugh that came from me. “They figured it out.” I whispered.

Lyon whirled around to face me.

“They figured it out!” i said harder still laughing. I was cut off by his hand clutched around my throat.

“YOU!” he seethed. “If you think, you’re getting away from here again, you're wrong. And now that lover boy’s here, I get to destroy him too. Him and his useless country.” he growled in my face.

I smiled and managed to shake my head. “No.” I whispered. “Your reign of terror is over. You don’t get either of us. Not anymore.”

He grinned cruelly. “How do you figure?”

I just smiled and looked up at the ceiling.


“Listen Serene.” my said catching my attention. “I’m going to teach you a spell. It’s spell that can only be used once, and for the right reasons. It’s you use it for your own gain it destroys you. ONLY use it…when you absolutely need to. Whether it’s to protect someone or to stop evil from happening. ONLY when you need to. Understand?”

I smiled up at him. “I understand, daddy."


My smile widened as the memory echoed in my brain.

I love you daddy. Thank you. Then closed my eyes and relaxed everything.



*Amir’s POV*

I watched as the ground beneath me shook and cracked. Bolts of lightning scorched through, attacking our enemies in front of us, finding its target and smiting them down, but avoiding those on our side. Almost like it was creating a barrier.

This is her doing.

We’d taken care of the army surrounding them by using their very own weapon against them. After that line of defence was down, it was easy to work our way through. We’d rammed through to their capitol, killing anyone who’d tried to fight us. I knew the second he knew we’d gotten through because their palace guards started pouring out by the dozen. That’s when I decided to take to the sky and cut down as many as I could.

My sister tended to our wounded, all the while cutting down any enemy that got to close. Qasim and Issa were going crazy while looking like they were enjoying themselves. This was what they lived for after all. I kept an eye out for my people. I’d ordered only the eligible men and women who were willing to go into this battle with me. Parents and children I absolutely refused. I kept an eye out for my people, eliminating anyone who snuck up behind or got too close to them. I didn’t want any of them in this to begin with so I was determined to make sure most if not all made it back home safely.

I was marvelling at the sight of Serene’s magic at work when we heard a piercing scream come from inside. My growl rang through the night as I knew exactly who it belonged to. I ran out of patience as I rammed through, slitting the throats of the ones who still dared to stand between me and my mate. I quickly flew inside with everyone else behind only to stop short at the sight in front of us.

Lyon had her knelt in front of him fully naked as he kept a hold on her hair and a blade to her neck.

“Well well well. Seems you made it.” he snarled but I kept my eyes on Serene as I looked her over. My heart ached as she smiled warmly at me then winced as he gripped her hair tighter.

I clenched my hands and gritted my teeth, fighting Jahid from taking control. I forced myself to relax as I smiled comfortingly at her. “Just hang on a little longer for me. Alright?”

Her smile widened and she managed a slightly nod. “Mmhmm.” only to be cut off by Lyon screaming in rage and hitting her with the blade. The blade sliced her skin…the blood ran down. I felt my eyes switch. The people behind me growled as they inched closer.

“You can’t possibly think you’re gonna get out of this alive do you? Look around you Lyon! Your army is finished. Your ministers have surrendered, and even your own people are standing behind me. You’re done.” i said calmly.

He shook with rage. “NO! I get to say when this is over! Not you! You Crois' are always taking everything! Not this time! I’m calling the shots.” then he smiled. “You know that I can easily slit her throat.” i bristled at that. “And you’ll kill me anyway. I’m gonna die regardless. But it’s gonna be the way I want it.” he straightened up and stared me deep in the eyes.

“A challenge, Amir Crois!” My eyes widened. “Your life for hers. If you win you take my life, if I win,” he paused as he lifted her up higher by her hair and I couldn’t stop the growl as he licked her face then grinned at me evilly. “If I win, I take EVERYTHING you own. And your life.”

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