(SA Ch. 3) Stand Next to You

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Note: I split these into parts, so if you ever want to find what part you left off in, hit [ctrl] +[f] and type in [PART 1], 2, 3, etc. (Make sure the whole story has been loaded.)


"Class, listen up."

Immediately alert, the students of class 1-A straightened up as Aizawa entered the classroom.

It's time for gym class! someone thought excitedly, I wonder what's in store for us today?

I hope we don't have to do anything too hard...

Aizawa, noticing the variety of expressions on everyone's faces, let out a short huff.

"Everyone grab your costumes and form a single-file line. We will be heading to Ground Beta for training today."

Stifling their mix of excitement and fear, everyone shuffled out of their seats and collected their respective costume cases. Yaoyorozu, after Mineta and Midoriya had moved aside, slid out her suitcase from the bottom shelf, and followed everyone else towards the locker rooms. From there, the students split off, and began changing into their hero attire.

"I can't believe we're already jumping right into training!" Hagakure said suddenly, bounding first into the locker room.

"Yeah. Especially what with all that's happened..." Jiro replied.

Everyone thought quietly for a moment. It was disconcerting to think that only a short while ago, one of their own classmates had gotten kidnapped. The memory was still very fresh, yet here everyone was, about to jump into training like usual.

"Let's not dwell too much on the past; kero," Asui responded steadily, "It's true that we're all low on spirits from the chaos that just occurred, but we're all still united here under the same purpose."

Face lighting up, Uraraka grinned at her, "Right! We're all here to train and become heroes, so no more sulking! Let's let the events that happened motivate us to work even harder!"

Relieved of the tension from Jiro's statement, the remaining girls smiled back in agreement, and began to change into their hero costumes.

"It's still a mystery why Aizawa wants us at Ground Beta though," Hagakure said again, plopping nonchalantly onto a bench, "What do you think he'll have us do?"

Jiro shrugged, "Who knows? But knowing the teach, whatever he does will probably involve dropping buildings on our heads again."

"That was one time, Jiro..." Uraraka chuckled awkwardly.

"Hey, let's see if we can guess what he'll make us do! Yanno, so we can prepare a bit!" after looking around for a moment, Ashido made eye contact with Yaoyorozu, "Hey, Yaomomo! You're really smart, what do you think we'll be doing?"

"Me?" she hesitated, thinking back to the events over the last several weeks, "Well... no one knows for certain, but since we technically just completed our exams, he might have us review some of what we learned; or perhaps demonstrate our progress made over the camping trip."

"Wow, that's actually a smart observation!" Ashido blinked, "I wasn't really expecting a calculated guess, but I should've known better, haha!"

Now changed, Hagakure's palms rested against the bench as if she were leaning back. "If we were reevaluated, that'd put you together with Todoroki again, wouldn't it?"

Stepping into her jumpsuit, Yaoyorozu shrugged, "I suppose it would."

"Luckyyy~" Hagakure sighed, "I wish I could work with someone as handsome as Todoroki!"

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