LCO | Ch. 42: A Score Against Pride

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*The next few chapters are loosely linked to my Iidamei oneshot: "Engine Boy I Love You!". Read chapters 1-2 for full context.

Classes flew by like they always did. English, Math, and Computer Tech were predictably uneventful as ever, only to be followed by an unexpectedly lackluster Hero Lessons class. In preparation for their license exams, Aizawa had decided to review first-aid training—selecting some participants as injured victims, and others as regular heroes. Todoroki had been one of the victims unfortunately, and much to his bemusement, learned at his rotation site that he was supposed to lie on the ground and pretend his leg was broken. He personally found it somewhat humorous, but when Aizawa later found out, he was incredibly apologetic.

The only decent occurrence Todoroki could recall that morning, was his physical with Recovery Girl. He'd been scheduled to leave third period early for a brief check-up, and upon arrival was told that he could finally remove his leg cast.

"Well, that's that! Your leg should be fully healed now, save for some possible aching. The bone has been completely re-fused, thanks to my speeding it up, so you're free to walk on it now without a cast."

"Thanks," Todoroki said back, somewhat distracted as he practiced bending his right knee to check for any pain. It didn't hurt at all. "I'll be more careful here on out."

"Good," Recovery Girl sniffed, "And remember not to exert too much pressure on it for a few more days. I'm certain that it's healed enough to run and jump with it again, but there's a chance the bone might still be a tad sensitive. If you feel any extreme or chronic pains, then please come and see me so I can conduct another treatment. I don't imagine it being necessary, but it's better to be safe than sorry."

"Fair enough. I'll be sure to let you know if anything's wrong."

By now in the day, it was lunchtime. To celebrate finally getting rid of his cast, Todoroki decided he would order his usual soba, plus a dessert on the side. (Of course, he technically still had a small shin brace on under his slacks, but it was more of a precaution if anything.)

"Just the usual soba platter today?" Lunch Rush asked, turning to talk over his shoulder as he prepared a platter of stir fry in front of him.

Todoroki nodded, leaning to look past the person at the counter so he could talk directly with the teacher. "Yeah, but with a brownie this time. I got my cast off today."

"Oh, you did? That's wonderful news!" he said back, shuffling the vegetables around his frying pan, "In that case, give him his dessert for free, Reji. It's on the house!"

The person blinked surprisedly for a moment, then nodded, "Okay then. I'll jot that down here—you can go on ahead and wait for your food."

Todoroki nodded, giving a quick but genuine: "Thank you sensei," before stepping off to the side.

A few minutes later, he sat down with his tray in-hand, and let out a dreary sigh.

Uraraka eyed him from across the table, "That was a big sigh. Are you okay?"

Todoroki slumped one cheek into his hand, taking a stab at his brownie before even touching his soba. "I got my cast off today. I'm in a great mood."

"That explains the dessert, but..." she squinted at him, "you don't seem very thrilled."

Letting another sigh out through his nose, he took a big bite of his dessert, then reached for his chopsticks to start on his soba. "Yaomomo and I had a disagreement on the way here. I haven't been in a great mood because of it."

"Ah, so that's it." she cringed, then paused for a moment—remembering her own walk with Midoriya that morning, "Have you tried telling her what you told Deku? I talked to him this morning, and he said you brought up my 'rivalry' with Yaoyorozu. Maybe if you explain all that, and how you and him are on good terms again, she won't treat you so coldly?"

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