LCO | Ch. 18: Operation 'Can't Wait 'Till it's Over' Begins

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*WARNING: discussion of past abuse/trauma, flashbacks, implied death

Todoroki didn't even bother to knock. The second he was in front of Uraraka's bedroom door, he turned the knob and tossed the door wide open. Rather startled, Uraraka mumbled a surprised: "Wha—?" from her seat at her desk, and he felt her eyes follow him as he meandered into her room like he owned the place.

"Excuse you, you can't just barge in here whenever you feel like!" she shouted irritably, "What if I'd been changing!?"

He ignored her though, and crossed the final remaining steps to her bed before flopping onto the mattress, and letting out a long, exhausted sigh of relief. There was a rather unusual pause that filled the room, where she fumbled for a moment to come up with a question, until Todoroki eventually broke it with a rather unrelated comment.

"Comfy bed."

Her eyebrow twitched, "You're shameless, you know that?"


When he refused to say more, she eventually rolled her eyes, and turned back to the homework she had laid out in front of her.

"Right, you would've spoken with Yaoyorozu by now," she noted quietly, "How did that go?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

He could hear her pencil tap against her desk as she disgruntledly threw it down, and had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smirking.

"Oh come on," she huffed, turning back around to pout at him, "You're not gonna tell me?"

"Well, you did promise to stay out of my personal affairs." he shrugged.

"W-well maybe, but—but I'm sill allowed to be curious, aren't I? I'm not trying to interfere with you, I just want to know for personal reasons!"

He was immensely enjoying withholding his information from her. If he was honest though, he wanted from the bottom of his heart to tell her everything. It took almost every nerve in his body to restrain himself, but leaving her hanging was equally as entertaining for him. Plus, it was sort of revenge for all the trouble she'd caused in the first place.

"Well I dunno, how do you think it went?"

Practically hearing her eyes roll, he listened as she stood out of her chair, and came marching over to his spot on her bed so she could see the expression on his face. That didn't help much, obviously—he was just as stoic as ever, but perhaps if she was perceptive enough, she would notice the little glint in his eye.

"You seem happy about something," she answered, and he secretly commended her keenness, "Did she say something good?"

A smile got away from him, and he rested the back of his right hand over his eyes so he wouldn't have to see her reaction, "She said lots of things, but yeah, I think they were good."


When he took away his hand to look at her, he found she was genuinely thrilled.

Todoroki nodded, "At the very least, she's not mad at me anymore—which is kind of a miracle, considering what happened earlier."

"I agree! That's great Todoroki! Though I wonder what it was that you said to her? It had to have been pretty significant if it was able to change her attitude so drastically..." Uraraka's voice trailed off, and her face paled slightly, "You—did you end up telling her about our operation?"

Todoroki's smile scrunched into a grimace, "Unfortunately, no. I thought about it though—but in the end I decided it would be better not to bring that up until later."

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