LCO | Ch. 36: Loving, Each Their Own

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*WARNING: MINOR sexual implications

Step by step, Midoriya's stomps grew quieter until an eerie silence blanketed the lonely hallway. Todoroki stood there aghast, wavering on his two feet as he blinked dumbly at the door. He couldn't believe it. Midoriya had just left him without even waiting for a proper explanation.


A hollow feeling came over him. He had actually somehow managed to anger Midoriya. Midoriya Izuku. That was possible?

Todoroki felt absolutely terrible. Already, he was starting to regret their entire encounter from beginning to end. Why hadn't he spoken? When Midoriya had begged him for answers, he'd stood there silently like an idiot, without defending himself even slightly. Of course, at the time, he'd feared that defending himself would only make matters worse. It often did—frankly, he wasn't used to being believed whenever he had excuses. Endeavor had unfortunately been the one to ingrain that habit within him, so when Midoriya had first cornered him, staying silent had truly made the most sense at the time.

Now though, he knew that had been a horrible mistake. Endeavor and Midoriya were not even remotely similar. If he had only explained his reason for visiting Uraraka, Midoriya surely would've listened to him. The only problem with that though, was... well...

I couldn't tell him about our strategy meetings, or about Momo and I. he sighed bitterly, Right now, that's just out of the question. At the very least, I wish I could've denied what he'd mistakenly assumed about our late-night meeting, but I mean... he scratched his head, I honestly don't quite know what he was mad about. That made it difficult to know how to respond...

It was related to Todoroki's earlier concerns—about how visiting a girl's room late at night was somehow a scandalous thing. Keyword for him being: "somehow". Todoroki didn't understand yet again, something unspoken here; and it had been such a big deal to Midoriya, that it'd genuinely made him furious.

I have to bring this up with Ochako, he settled, finally shaking off his shock and regret to continue down the hallway to her room, Maybe she can help me on this one. At the very least, she needs to know what happened.

In front of her bedroom door, Todoroki knocked quietly—hissing her name once or twice to urge her over before someone else could see him. She opened the door quickly after hearing her name, and raised an eyebrow the second they made eye contact.

"There you are, Shou," she remarked, eyeing him, "What took you so lon—"

He cut her off though, swiftly shoving past so that he could enter her bedroom.

"Hey! Would you stop barging in here already!?"

"I knocked," he retorted plainly, going straight for her mattress again—only this time, he didn't flop onto it when he got close. Instead, he simply took a seat on the edge, and let his elbows sink onto his knees in tired defeat.

Thankfully, Uraraka immediately picked up that something was wrong. Regarding him with worried eyes, she closed the door and took a seat in her desk chair like before. The eerie quiet returned for several dense seconds, feeling as heavy as a weighted blanket until one of them finally spoke.

"Is everything alright?"

Todoroki sighed slowly through his nose, hesitated, and then told her the truth on the spot.

"I ran into Midoriya just now."

Uraraka's face turned whiter than a sheet of paper.

"Your expression..." Todoroki mumbled, glancing up at her, "I'm assuming you know where this is headed."

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