LCO | Ch. 23: Teasing and Tie Pins

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It took a few minutes for Todoroki to realize that Yaoyorozu wasn't the one screeching a high-pitched beeping noise in his left ear.

Disoriented, he blinked away the gold-colored petals of another sunflower dream out of his eyes, and reached blindly for the alarm on his table. His hand flopped around a couple of times, knocking his phone off of the edge and onto the floor. He grunted annoyedly as the beeping continued from somewhere else.

Opening his eyes felt about equally as difficult as prying open a steel set of doors. His vision fuzzed over and over—glazed with sleep as his hand felt along the bumpy surface of the tatami, only to smack his knuckles into the leg of the table instead. He cursed once, now tempted to punch it, had that not been the very reason he was in pain in the first place, and then finally located his phone in the opposite direction on the floor.

Still blinking, he brought the phone up to his face, squinted grumpily at the light that flooded his vision, and turned off the obnoxious noise before it could give him a headache.

Once the room was silent again, and the lights dark, Todoroki let out a tired sigh and flopped back against his futon to stare pensively up at the ceiling. He could feel the knuckle on his right hand still throbbing somewhat, but the pain was already beginning to dissipate.

I didn't want to wake up, he thought, both disgruntled and somewhat sad, That was a really good dream...

He thought back again, closing his eyes to remember more particularly how it had gone, and saw Yaoyorozu sitting beside him in the sunflowers. Not much had happened, honestly—they'd just talked for a while in one another's company, but somehow it had felt so nice.

Wish I'd done more with the opportunity though, he realized, somewhat disappointed with himself.

He paused for a minute to look up at the ceiling again, before eventually deciding to flip onto his side. Rather than leave his bed and start his day, he shifted his pillow out from under his head, and stared at it plainly for a moment. His heart purred slightly, still stirred by the memory of her face. Eventually, he pulled the pillow close to his chest—arms tucked tightly around it as if it were her.

I should've done this instead...

Face buried in the fluff, he let out a pathetic and muffled whine. He wanted so badly to see her—more so than usual, but there was nothing he could do about it. They weren't as close with one another as they were in his dreams, so until then, he would have to find some other way to calm his storm of emotions.

He ended up tossing and turning for several more minutes, clinging pathetically to his pillow until sleep accidentally tempted him once again.

*     *     *

In the meantime, downstairs in the lobby, Uraraka was tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for her familiar red and white partner to show himself. Technically he wasn't late yet, but the fact that he was taking longer this morning bothered her.

Maybe he's sick...? she wondered, sighing.

Frankly, she had expected him to already be downstairs. With how determined he was yesterday to tattle on her feelings to Midoriya, she'd fully predicted to see his stupid, smug face leering at her the moment the elevator doors opened. Yet shockingly enough, not only was he nowhere to be seen, he also didn't show after nearly ten minutes of waiting around.

Ugh! At this rate, I'm just gonna walk by myself! she huffed, glancing at the time on her phone, Who cares if I don't go with him for once? Couples aren't obligated by law to walk together every morning, after all.

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