LCO | Ch. 29: A Triumphant Return Home

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Saturday was ominously uneventful, in comparison to the other events that'd happened throughout the week. It was hard for Uraraka to fathom how Operation: IHUPLC had both started and ended within the first two days, only to be followed by a years' worth of drama in one evening afterwards, as well as the start of a new operation, and some near-death experiences—courtesy of their teacher Aizawa.

To finally have an ordinary school day just felt totally bizarre. Ultimate Move Training in the morning, followed by a long list of core classes... the only activity outside of the norm, was the afterschool visit Uraraka and the others paid to Todoroki in the nurse's office.

By the time they went to visit him, his leg had been taken out of its immobile position, and was in the process of being replaced with a regular cast. He was in the middle of testing out crutches when they came in to check on him, and Recovery Girl even announced that by Sunday, he'd be in a regular boot, and would be allowed to walk around freely for the most part.

"You've been healing very nicely, Todoroki. Honestly, I'm surprised at how patiently you've been able to work through this."

Todoroki, who was currently trying out his crutches next to Uraraka, glanced up at the sound of his name to look at her.

"I... guess I've had a lot of practice dealing with injuries," he responded carefully, meriting a noticeable grimace out of Midoriya and Uraraka.

"Well, regardless of the reason, I'd judge that it's safe to let you go home tonight," she smiled, clasping her hands in front of herself, "It'll be nice returning to your own bed, don't you think?"

At this, Todoroki smiled slightly and gave her an agreeing nod, "Yeah."

Shortly after that, everyone excitedly left the room with Todoroki's personal items in tow—all cheerful that he was finally officially allowed to return to the dorms. They were even allowed to pile into the elevator for once, due to Todoroki's inability to use the stairs, and had fun staring out the glass windows as the elevator descended down to the main floor.

When the elevator reached the ground floor, there was a quaint: "ding!" and everyone filed out into the hall. Each of the four friends made sure to keep a subtle eye on Todoroki as he unsteadily hobbled out of the elevator with his crutches, but before long, he seemed to get the hang of the awkward motion. By the time they were in front of the dorm building, he was relatively comfortable limping around on his own.

"I don't think the others know you've been discharged yet, come to think of it," Midoriya commented, swinging around Todoroki's bag as he walked, "I bet everyone will be super happy to see you! I can name a few of our classmates who were particularly worried..."

Feeling touched, Todoroki stifled a smile that almost tugged across his cheeks. Other than his close friends here, he couldn't guess too many others would've been particularly worried. Perhaps Sero and Kirishima? He'd gotten to know them a bit lately (though not exactly by choice). Perhaps even Bakugo was worried—though he personally doubted that a bit more.

What he hadn't expected however, was for an explosion of confetti to spray into his face the moment he opened the front doors.


Blinking from surprise (and due to a colored wrapper momentarily getting stuck in his eye), Todoroki glanced rapidly around his sides to see that everyone—not just Sero, Kirishima or Bakugo—was here, and they were all holding party poppers. Confused, he even looked over at Uraraka and the others for clarification, but they were grinning too—party poppers in-hand all the same.

"What's this for?" he eventually asked, once the last colored streamer had fallen to the floor.

"It's for you, dummy!" Uraraka jeered, giving him a gentle but playful nudge.

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