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You realized you haven't gone outside in a while, but you didn't know where to go outside. It wasn't a very pretty neighborhood you lived in. There was barely any sign of greenery around. The ground was all concrete and dirt, and the leaves of the trees have already fallen to the ground.
There were graffitis of eyes everywhere. Not a very good design choice if you ask me.

The withered flowers were trampled everyday by some kids walking by everyday. It was nothing worth going outside for.
Without anything better to do, you sat down.

6 p.m

You were just sitting in your bed, watching and scrolling on your phone when all of a sudden you get a notification from your friends.

It's been a while since you've hung out with them, so they decided to have a hangout time at a popular hotel nearby.

Excited, you accept their invitation.

You stepped outside waiting for your friends. They would pick you up in a few minutes.
You heard the beep and looked to the side of the road. There they were.

"Come on, y/n, we need to get there now!"

You hopped on the backseat and drove to the hotel while listening to your friends humming to their favorite songs.

While waiting until you guys arrived, you decided to research more about the hotel and found out it was pretty old.

Through the journey, you'd occasionally feel bad about a previous fight with one of your bestfriends. Both of you had a little too much arguments the past week and you've both drifted farther since then. But you shook your head, passing off this trip to the hotel as a way of "taking a break" from the negativity in your life.
Soon enough, you arrive at the hotel. It smelled like... Old book pages being flipped. It was oddly comforting. The lobby looked to be in an L shape.

The walls were reddish brown and there were a bunch of elevators on both sides of the room.
At the very end of the hallway, there was a fireplace with two seats.
To your left there was a small room with a couch and another door. There was a board infront of it, but it only listed the people who've entered the hotel. You tried to look for your friend's name, but there were hundreds of pages NOT in alphabetical order.

You tried to look for a receptionist, but there was nothing else in here.

"Maybe we have to go up the elevators."
"Yeah, let's try that."

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