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The black humanoid figure started chasing you and your previous friends down.

The rooms you entered had fallen bookcases and couches everywhere. You frantically looked around for a way to escape, and you spotted thst familiar blue light guiding you to a crawlspace. You quickly went under it and entered the next room.

Damnit. There's two routes.

You looked both sides, but both seemed to be barricaded.
"F/ck it, I'll go right"
You noticed you couldn't see any of your "friends" around, maybe they already went ahead.
You went right and spotted another path to another door. It had a tag and the blue light was present there.

You hurried towards the door and went through another crawlspace obstacle.

You were starting to get the hang of this.
Crawlspace, two routes, crawlspace..

Then you opened the final door and that same hallway from earlier greeted you. Except there were long, black goopy arms breaking through the windows and the place was on fire.

Everything was a mess.
You ran through, making sure not to step in the fire.
You saw broken wood pallets on the ground and bookshelves tipped over l.

The arms wobbled around, attempting to catch you however you were quick enough to dodge their grasp.

You could see the end of the hallway, just a few more steps and you'll reach the door.

You unknowingly walked on a fallen chandelier and fell down.
Damnit, your leg was wounded and you couldn't move well.
"I'm so close- Come... on.."

You tried your very best to escape, crawling despite how painful it was to drag your body across the floor, but you were moving incredibly slow.

You could hear the footsteps getting louder and louder until they stopped.

Closing your eyes, you waited for your inevitable death.

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