Rebound And Revolve Updated

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Seek kept talking about the hotel and occasionally said things thst got you interested.

The rare discussions you actually enjoyed having with Seek about the amount of entities, the outside world, the lobby, and a lot more made you more comfortable being with him. Those times he actually seemed like a normal person. Or monster, whatever you want to call him.

"Hey uhm, thank you."


"For guarding me back there in the library. I honestly thought I was left for dead. I kind of forgot to say thanks after we left, oops."

"You mean it..?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh.. You're welcome, I guess. No one's ever told me that. They all ran away."

His gaze softened, mumbling "You're a different one" under his breath.

Over time you started talking to him more, just enough to keep a conversation going.

You noticed he stopped doing his tricks too. You weren't complaining though, it's a good development for him.

You opened Door 56 and a black and white man with a big open mouth smile and void black eyes appeared behind it.
It screamed at you with a high pitch.


You leaped back to Seek (forgive me i couldnt find a way to explain this action) out of shock and couldn't process what the hell just happened.
It disappeared, flickered the lights for a second and when they came back on, the room was red. It was dimmer than before, and looking through the window, it seemed the outside had a red atmosphere too.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" you said, looking up to Seek.

"Jack. Don't mind him, he's just a little annoying. He's also in the closets, if you didn't know. "


"He doesn't do anything, relax. Just hope he doesn't come when Rush is here."

That's not good news, isn't it..? Oh my god, how many more entities are there in this place?

You were just staring into the room, frozen in fear. You felt Seek's hand over you, before you realized you were basically 'hugging' him.
You quickly moved away in embarrassment." Ignore that, I was just shocked."

All he did was smile.
You brushed off your clothes as if there was "dirt" on it. You walked away and into the room, carefully examining your surroundings.

Everything looked fine other than the red glow, hopefully nothing bad happens in the next few doors. You looked out the windows a few times, but there was only lightning and the rain.

You both continued walking through doors 58 to 63 without talking. It was pretty peaceful. All you could hear were your footsteps and the occasional clanging of the keys when you were in locked rooms. There was nothing to disturb you.
Until Door 64, when Rush came back.

Seek stopped for a moment.
"Whats wrong-?"

You heard a different sounding scream, one that didn't sound like it belonged to Rush. You looked back, and boy it definitely wasn't Rush. The man ran at about the same speed as Rush, but it was pale white with a green and pink glow.

"This dumbass.. Get in the closet, NOW."

You desperately tried to look for one around you but, there was none. You spotted a staircase leading up, however Seek grabbed your arm before you could move and dragged you up.

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