Doors Till 50

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Yet it never came.

The sound of the fire burning the carpet away and the rain hitting the windows echoed through the room, but even those sounds faded away.
It was quiet.

Moments passed and nothing happened.

You were still lying on the floor, wounded and unable to move.

  Why is nothing happening? Am I about to die? A hand suddenly laid on your shoulder.

You looked to the side and saw that it was black and slimey, exactly like the monster chasing you earlier.

Oh god, it's right behind me. You closed your eyes and accepted the fact you were going to be ripped apart now.

But instead, a deep male voice was heard and it almost felt like you were slowly spiraling into a trance.

"Looks like someone fell."

He grabbed you by your collar and lifted you off the ground.
It nearly choked you but you didn't want to say anything, it's too risky as you're dealing with a literal monster.

"Are you okay? You haven't even said a thank you to me, ungrateful much," it said in a sarcastic tone.
You were still facing away from it, but you can tell it was giving you a sort of mischievous look.

"Look at me. " it said in a stern voice.
It moved to the side, and a hand was placed on your cheek. It forcefully turned your face toward him and you met its eyes. It was more like its eye, since it only had one. Why does he look much more..enticing than when he was chasing you. Is he male? It looks like it, but it should've been obvious when you heard his voice. Wait, do monsters even have genders? You got lost in your thoughts, but your spacing out was interrupted when he spoke.

"Why won't you speak? Don't be afraid of me, I don't bite."

He gave a sly smile and stared at you.
It made you feel something. You couldn't tell whether that was a good thing or not. This is probably a trick, you thought. A trick to make me think I'm safe and then kill me the moment I let my guard down.

"Hm, you're different."

He got tired of you staying silent, so he opened the door and grabbed your wrist. Forcefully pulling you to the next room, you lost your balance and bumped into him.

"Careful. You might hit your head on the floor."

You rolled your eyes.
He kept following you, but you just pushed him away.

"You can speak now. I promise I won't hurt you."
You grunted, still refusing to let out a word. He looked at you in a way that made you feel intimidated. I mean, it's a fucking monster after all, of course I'd feel threatened, you thought.

"Now or I'll change my mind."


"There we go," he snickered.
You tried to avoid eye contact as he roamed around the room, examining the paintings and items inside the drawer.
"You have the voice I expected. It matches you, " you heard him from across the room.

You made a mock sock puppet with your hand and narrowed your eyes.

You heard him approach you from behind as he asked for your name in a soft voice.

"You look magnificent, what's your name darling?"

Darling? Jesus, as if this guy couldn't get any worse.

"Come on, speak up. I know your name is as lovely as you."
You hestitantly responded, struggling to find words even though all you had to do was tell him your name.

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