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The sudden thunder shook your ears and startled you awake. It was much louder and it sounded more like a nearby explosion than thunder.

Seek was still resting soundly, leaning on your head as you both were sitting on the cold carpet. His one arm still around your shoulder, keeping you close.

He looked so.. peaceful.

  You realized you felt more safe with him than being alone.
He was capable of doing.. whatever a bloodthirsty monster's supposed to do, yet he never did.
You still had your doubts, but you honestly didn't mind staying with him...

No, he's a goddamn monster who's trying to kill you. Right? Man, why do you have to be so indecisive?

'It's either I trust him or I don't,' the voice in your mind said to you. The same voice in your mind that made you agree to a plan that has nearly killed you 3 times. Okay, you're thinking too much.
You turned your head slightly to glance at him.

"God, why do you have to be so.. -" you mumbled. The glance became more than just a glance as you stared.

That 'butterflies in your stomach' feeling that you get when you're nervous wouldn't stop.

For a few seconds you felt his breath over you as he slept in tranquility.




What room are you even in again? Your mind was fuzzy from last night you almost forgot about your wound. Somehow, despite the severity, with a few bandages the heavy bleeding subsided. You were thankful, though.  You scratched your head while trying to think.

Seek moved, now awaken from his sleep. His voice sounded rather husky since he just woke up.

You gasped a little, surprised by the sudden movement.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, haha.."

"O-Oh no, it's alright. I just didn't expect you'd wake up right now."

You chuckled and gave an awkward grin.

"Is it even morning?"

"I don't know, I've never seen daylight here."


"I am not aware of that either, darling. I just know the sun never rises."

Sounds pretty odd. How do they even tell time here? Do they even count time in the first place? You weren't complaining though. Night was rather comforting whenever you were in a safe, quiet space.
Seek got up and rubbed some dust off his clothes. He extended his hand to you and offered to help you up, which you gladly accepted. You stood, your back aching from the position you slept in.

You probably should have laid down instead..

Sitting cross-legged for so long is not a good choice and your back was slouched, too.
It was comfortable at the time and you were tired anyway, but when you woke up it felt like you turned into dead sticks just a stretch away from completely breaking apart.

Seek helped you balance while you dealt with the aching, constantly trying to hold on to drawers and closets so you'd get some support.
Good for him, he doesn't feel your pain. But you, on the other hand, you'll have to suffer through it.

Your abdomen still hurt badly from Halt stabbing you which didn't help the aching either.

You kept falling over as you tried to stand, but dizziness from your injuries got to you.

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