Familiar Presence

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Blinking eyes greeted you as you entered the room. Seek immediately looked at you signifying that it was time.

"Guessing we're gonna have to do this again? "

"Yeah. But don't worry, I won't hurt you ;) "

You reached the hallway where it would start and the eyes on the wall disappeared.

Before reaching the end of the room, you looked up to Seek, who held both of your hands before saying something.

"You better not trip again, that was really embarrassing for you last time," he teased.

"I didn't know, okay?" you glanced to the door. You informed him you were ready before taking a deep breath.

"Good luck, [reader]."

He teleported to the entrance of the room, leaving you where you are. You immediately started running.

You expected a crawlspace, but surprisingly the two routes room came first.

It wasn't a problem though, you easily mastered this. You reached the last room with the arms and the fire; learning from your mistakes, you carefully went through all the obstacles and jumped over the chandelier you previously tripped on.

You rested against the door, waiting for Seek to arise.

Realizing you couldn't hear Seek's footsteps, you stepped forward, trying to see if you could catch any sign of him. You couldn't tell if he was even still chasing you.
You squinted your eyes to try and see better when he suddenly appeared behind you and nearly scared you to death.

You almost fell on top of a sharp wooden plank but he caught you by your shirt in time. Your face heated up from embarrassment and you shot him a bitter expression.


"Jesus christ, you said you wouldn't hurt me??"

"But I didn't hurt you, I just feel like you need a little surprise once in a while," he said pulling you up.

He brushed a few strands of hair out of your face and smiled.

"Gee, thanks for almost getting me impaled," you scoffed.

You both stared at each other refusing the break eye contact, trying to look as stern as possible.




Uncontrollable laughter followed after the silence, eventually leading up to you pushing him over. You were so bored that even something as simple as staring made you burst out laughing.
You fell on top of him, quickly rolling over to the side ignoring how much your fucking stomach hurt.

He looked confused but started laughing too, though he didn't know why. It just sort of got to him.

After a few minutes, you both calmed down and panted heavily.
You grasped your stomach in pain.

"Woah, you okay there?"

"Yeah, I just..the laughing and the wound.. Agh.. Don't worry, I-I'm good," you stuttered, taking a moment to relax yourself.

Seek placed the "leaf crown" back on you which fell to the floor from you laughing.

All of a sudden, he stood up and stared off into the fire.
There were footsteps.

"They've already arrived."

That came out of nowhere. You tried to ask him, but he stopped you.

"I'll be back, [reader]. Stay here."

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