Disturb The Silence

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Loud, growling noises were heard as soon as you opened door 49.

"Uhm, what is that?" you looked at the monster, but he was already forming the black puddle, sinking in.

"Good luck, [reader]. Don't make a noise. He can hear you. Crouch as soon as you open the door. I'll have a talk with him."

"Wait-" and he's completely gone. Okay, maybe you did need his help for this one. But it's too late, so you just prayed it'll be easy.

Door 50 had a large entry with an elegant design. On top was the metal plate lined with gold numbered 0050. The rest of the room was plain and boring, other than a table and two potted plants.
You could hear the growling inside and heavy footsteps as if the thing inside was enormous. That is definitely not a good sign.

You approached the door, taking a deep breath as this might just be the last time you get to see sweet daylight.

Or moonlight, it's been dark outside for god knows how long. Your hands inched closer to pushing the door open, shaking uncontrollably from fear.

You finally pushed open the door, and behind it was a large, cozy library filled with hundreds if not thousands of books. Big bookshelves were on both sides, filled with tons of even more written books that looked like they all had the same cover.

Across the hallway, there was a platform with more bookshelves and another door that looked just like the entrance. There was something on it, but you couldn't really tell what it was as the railing of the platform was blocking your view.

Heavy footsteps along with the growling were heard, and the ground shook violently with every step the thing took. You were about to move, but you remembered the words of the inky entity telling you to crouch when you entered, and so you did just that.

You proceeded forward and the doors slammed shut behind you. The footsteps got faster and closer, prompting you to go to the corner of the entrance to hide in case it approaches.

You saw something emerge from behind a bookshelf and a wooden pillar.

It was a reddish color, it looked like flesh. It had its ribcage exposed, it's mouth was open wide filled with sharp teeth. It was huge, its arms almost as long as itself. And 'itself' was pretty tall, too.
It started moving towards the entrance, but it didn't find anything and so left quickly after.

You tried to take a better look while keeping a safe distance, so you followed it, making sure not to come too near. As you were moving, you heard a glimmering..? noise near a bookshelf.
You looked around to see what caused that noise, and you saw a book, tilted to its side and seemed to be brighter than the other ones.

You quickly grabbed it to see what was inside. You opened the book and it immediately flipped to a page with a shape and the number 5. What is this? You tried flipping to another page, but for some reason, it felt incredibly heavy as if you weren't supposed to flip to other pages.
Out of luck, you decided to try a different book.
You attempted to pick up another one, but everything was so heavy. Are these even books or are they painted rectangle rocks?
You got so distracted in trying to get one of the books that you failed to notice the horrid figure coming after you.
It was only until you heard the growling that you noticed he spotted you. "Fuck, I'm gonna die."

There was a closet nearby, and it seemed to be your only hope. You opened the closet panicking and shut it. The monster stood in front of it, and you tried to calm down as you couldn't breathe properly.

Deep breath after deep breath, you heard the thing finally going away. Once it went far enough, you carefully exited the closet. You spotted another bright book on a distant bookshelf and tried to sneak your way across. The heavy footsteps stopped.
"Oh no, did it hear me again? I literally just came out of hiding."
You heard it growling again, but it.. formed words? It was really hard to hear since it sounded like it was trembling. Shaking. Quivering. Whatever you call it, but not in a nervous-to-talk kind of trembling.

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