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I finally made it to school. I pulled into a parking space and parked my car. My coffee was already gone by the time I got to school. I got out of my car and looked for a nearby trash can to throw away my coffee. I threw my coffee away and headed to class.

I headed to my first period, which was in the library. Something was wrong with our classroom, so we had to move to the library. Something about bugs keeps getting into the classroom.

I told you my school was a hellhole.

I like my classroom being in a library because it gives me calm vibes and warmth.

Call me an old lady if you must, but I can't help.

I headed to the library and chose to sit at the table in the back, mostly because nobody bothers me and I can listen to music through my AirPods.

I sit at the table alone and listen to my music.

Dealing with people is draining.

That's why I'm a lone wolf.

But for some reason I couldn't focus. My mind was wandering elsewhere.

I was still thinking about that person in the coffee shop.

There was just something about him. The way his eyes looked and how he was intensely staring at me the whole time.

It's like he planted a virus in me to only think about him and nothing else.

No point in thinking about him. I might not see him ever again.

I focused my attention back on my work while listening to my music.

After an hour passed by, it was time to go to my next class. I packed all my stuff and left after the bell rang.

My next class was math. God, I hated math.

I finally walked into my math class and sat in the middle section. I knew not to sit in the back because that's where Mr. Flint called on the students the most.

Most students started to pile in Mr. Flint's class after a few minutes passed. By the time the bell rang, most students were in their seats.

But there was one seat empty.

I shift my gaze back to Mr. Flint as he was asking us to flip our pages to chapter 6 in our textbook.

After an hour passed by, there were only 45 minutes to go.

"Can't time go any faster." I thought to myself while lightly tapping my pencil on my desk.

Suddenly, the classroom door opened, and a student walked in.

All the other students including me were staring at the new student.

But it wasn't just any student.

It was the person I saw at the coffee shop.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up." Mr. Flint said while crossing his arms.

The new student shrugged his shoulders and looked around the classroom until his eyes stopped on me.

"What the fuck." I cursed rapidly in my head while looking back at my textbook, avoiding his gaze on me.

"Well, students, we have a new student today. This is Sebastian, so please welcome him with open arms. Sebastian, you may take a seat in the back and turn your textbook to chapter 6." Mr. Flint replied while still crossing his arms.

He gave a nod and started walking towards his seat.

I looked up at Sebastian more closely.

As Sebastian was waking to his seat, his eyes never left mine and gave a light smirk.

I thought I would never see this person again.

I was freaking out. This was just getting creepy to me.

Or it could just be a small town.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid again. I do tend to overthink at times.

I tried to focus back on my work, but I couldn't.

I could feel him staring a hole in the back of my head.

Soon as 45 minutes passed, the bell rang and all the students quickly packed their stuff and rushed off to their next class.

I quickly packed all my stuff in my backpack and got up to leave until I bumped into a desk and all my stuff fell out of my backpack.

"Shit, why do I have to be so clumsy." I mumbled to myself.

I quickly bend down to pick up my stuff until the same large vein hand grabs some of my stuff and hands them to me.

I looked up to see Sebastian smirking at me.

"You're really clumsy, aren't you?" He said while still smirking at me.

I nodded and quickly took my stuff from him and shoved it in my backpack.

I stood up and tried to leave quickly out of the classroom, but Sebastian's hand quickly grabbed my arm.

"Well, can I get a thank you?"? He replied while letting go of my arm.

"Thank you again." I mumbled.

"Well, it was certainly nice seeing you again. My name is Sebastian." He replied while holding out his hand.

I wanted to avoid being mean or weird, so I decided to introduce myself.

After all, Mr. Flint did say to welcome the new student with open arms.

"My name is Alexa. Nice to meet you." I replied with a light smile and now shaking his hand.

We both were now just staring at each other while still shaking hands.

"Well Sebastian it was a pleasure meeting you, but I need to get to my next class, so I won't be late." I replied while breaking the stare.

I turned away from Sebastian and quickly walked out the classroom and headed to my next class.

God, this will be a long year.

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