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My eyes started to flutter open as I began feeling my surroundings. As I was moving, I felt hands grab me tighter on my waist. As I looked next to me, I see Sebastian sleeping peacefully next to me.

Finally, I realized we were both naked in the bed.

I was now staring to panic. I was now questioning myself, why was I in his house in the bed with him naked. Not only that, but I couldn't remember a thing that happened yesterday that would lead up to this point.

But I knew currently we had sex. My virginity has been taken, and I couldn't even fucking remember what have happened.

I felt his member pressed against my ass. I forced his hands off my waist and successfully got out of his hold. I replace my body with a body pillow Sebastian had, and wrapped his hands around the pillow carefully, so he wouldn't feel the emptiness of my presence gone.

I quickly scanned his room to find my underwear and bra. After searching for a few seconds, I finally found them. I quickly grab them and put them on. I was now searching for my clothes and found them quickly, just like I did with my bra and underwear. I put on my clothes as quickly and quietly as possible.

I turned back to look at Sebastian, and he was still resting peacefully. I quickly made my way to his bathroom and turned on the light. As the light switch on, my eyes immediately burn, and I quickly shut them to avoid the light. After a few seconds, I quickly opened my eyes again, adjusting to the light and dealt with the pain.

Looking in the mirror, my hair was all over my head, so I comb with my fingers to make my braids neat and straight. As I was looking in the mirror at myself, I felt ashamed and embarrassed. I slept with someone I barely knew. For crying out loud, I just met Sebastian. I knew that I couldn't deny any longer that I was changing, and maybe this was a bad thing.

I never act like this before, so why now all of a sudden, I act like this because of Sebastian? I wish I were able to know the answer to my question. I'm still looking in the mirror, tears started to form in my eyes. I now exit the bathroom and looked over at Sebastian one last time. He still hasn't moved from his spot and was still sleeping.

I must admit he looked beautiful while he was sleeping, almost like a prince. I was able to focus on every detail about him. His jet black hair was messy but still looked good. His rings on his hand shine as the sun hits it. His whole facial expression was relaxed, including his body.

I quickly broke my stare from him and left his room quickly. As I was walking down the stairs, a pain struck my head. I was now having a headache. I grabbed onto the railing of the stairs and walked down slowly, trying not to fall. As I made my way on the final steps of the stairs, I left go of the railing.

I was now in front of the door and had my hand on the doorknob until a deep raspy voice spoke out which my heart jump out of my chest. I started to panic again and pull and turn on the doorknob, not realizing that the door was still locked.

I finally stopped and turned around and saw Sebastian standing there with black sweatpants that hang dangerously low, revealing his v line. I could outside see the outline of his member. He didn't even bother putting on underwear.

"You really thought you would sneak out of here quietly without me knowing." He said while standing there with his hands in his pocket.

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