Losing Stinks

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The next morning came and all I did was wake up before Ryo was running up the stairs in a hurry. What's up with him? Is something wrong?

When he was close enough, he stopped in front of me. When I opened my mouth to ask him what was going on, Ryo held up a finger and panted for a moment, then finally got his breath back and said, "There's a helicopter following us and we're all worried. I just came up to wake you up, but I guess I didn't have to."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Great." I muttered sarcastically. "Have they said what they wanted yet?" 

Ryo shook his head. "Nope not yet. So..." He grabbed my hand. "Come with me to the deck. Everyone is waiting."

I quickly straightened out my hair just as Ryo was dragging me down the stairs and out to the elevator. We rode the elevator up to the deck and Ryo dragged me outside where the others were standing toward the edge and watching the helicopter coming closer, and closer.

I snatched my hand away from Ryo's and ran to stand in front of everyone. I realized that the helicopter was getting very close now, so I pushed everyone back as the helicopter hovered over the deck.

A rope came flying down and almost hit the top of my head. I moved out of the way just in time, yay me. Once the rope was down, someone slid down from the rope and landed right in front of me. I saw that he was wearing the same cloak that Shad had on. Only this cloak, was covering his eyes, so I could only see from his nose, and down. His skin was pretty pale, but not too pale if you ask me. He was pretty muscular as well, and he wore all black.

There was a belt around his waist, which this guy had his hand resting on top. I realized that a large gun was attached to the belt. I gulped and hoped that he wasn't going to use that.

The helicopter stayed above our heads and never moved from that spot. I kind of glared at it, until the guy in front of me spoke,


I looked at him with an icy glare. "Yes?" I asked.

The man cracked his neck by simply turning it to the side. I knew he was trying to look tough, so I didn't do anything. "I have been ordered to take you with me...However, I know that you won't come with me so willingly."

I nodded my head and smiled a bit. "True that." I agreed.

"....So I'm going to propose a deal. We have a duel. Just you and me. If I win, you come with me and we just go. If you win...Well, you can decide that."

I pointed a finger at him as if he was a small child. "And if I win, you annoying assassins leave my friends and I alone forever. Deal?"

The assassin shrugged his shoulders. "Sure why not? It's a deal."

I saw a smirk slowly creeping up onto his face. As soon as I saw that, I took out my daggers like lightening. The assassin grabbed his gun and instantly shot at me. I dodged the bullet and jumped to the side, where I almost ran into Ryo. Ryo gave me a why-did-you-do-that kind of look. I just sweetly smiled at him and gave him a quick peck on his lips before returning back to the battle.

I had to quickly dodge another bullet. As soon as I landed, I was greeted by a almost punch in the face. I squeaked out in surprise and ducked out of the way. While I was underneath his arm, I quickly grabbed his arm and stood back up. Before this assassin could do anything, I used all my strength to flip him over my back. He landed on his back with a loud grunt, and I also ended up cutting his arms while I was at it because I still had my daggers in my hand. The assassin got angry and shot up onto his feet. I still couldn't see his eyes, but I knew he was glaring daggers at me.

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