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Shiela didn't end up in the ocean...Instead, she fell into some trees. It hurt like crazy, but she didn't end up with any broken bones or anything.

One branch after another Shiela fell down. She screamed when she hit the dirty ground below...Roughly. Shiela moaned and turned her head, trying to ignore the uprising pain that was slowly making it's way up her back.

"Stupid ship...Stupid assassins..." Shiela started to curse under her breath, making herself sit up.

She landed in the middle of some kind of woods. She fell into some pine trees..And ended up getting pine needles in her hair. Shiela ruffled her hair to shake the needles out, before forcing herself to stand on her beaten up legs. She brushed herself off before looking around, seeing if she could find some kind of clue to find her friends.

Shiela suddenly snapped her fingers. Duh! That com-link! Shiela pressed her fingers up against the strange device. "Hey! Anyone there?"

"At least I can hear you clearly."

Shiela smiled. "Ah Jax! Is everyone else okay?"

"Not sure. Us guys managed to clean up the ship and stuff, so the ship is safe. However, I haven't been able to contact Payton. And were heading to get Star right now. If you find Payton, let us know okay? We'll come get you in a while."

Shiela nodded her head. "Okay. But I'm not exactly sure where I am so..."

"Don't worry about it. I can track you with the com-link. Jax out."

Shiela removed her fingers from the com-link, then she proceeded to crack her knuckles. Hopefully, Payton was somewhere nearby. If she was, that would be extremely helpful at this very moment.

Shiela proceeded to wander around the forest of pine trees. She ended up finding a pathway. So with any luck, that path would lead to a town or something. So, Shiela followed the path to where she was getting sick of seeing green trees.

Shiela was fed up with pine trees after about a half an hour of walking. She was about to give up and cut some trees down with her scythe, until she suddenly heard someone speaking...Shiela made herself quiet down as she listened in on the conversation...

"...You're going to try and kill him too, aren't you?"

"No!" A voice cried out suddenly.

Shiela rolled her eyes. If someone wanted to deny something, you never say it too quickly or loudly. It makes it obvious.

Shiela then heard a low rumble coming from where the voices were. And suddenly, she heard snarling. Somebody yelped in surprise and Shiela thought she heard the person being thrown.

Shiela sighed. It was their fault that they were being attacked, but she wasn't just going to leave them. So, Shiela took out her scythe and then jumped into a small clearing where the fight was taking place.

When Shiela entered, she gasped in surprise and relief. "Payton!" She exclaimed.

Payton, (who was on the ground) looked up. "Ah! Shiela!" She exclaimed. However, the large wolf-like creature lunged for her, and Payton had to roll out of the way.

Shiela's teeth clenched as she tightened the grip on her scythe. Mess with her friends, you mess with her.

When Payton rolled out of the way, she could just feel the pine needles getting up into her hair. She rolled her eyes, knowing that she was going to have to get all that out later...But there was no time for thinking about that!

Payton hopped onto her feet and glared at Zero in anger. Stupid wolf! Zero clawed at the ground, and I guessed that it was about to attack. And Payton was right! He came straight for her with his teeth bared.

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