Jax and Ryo

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All I couldn't remember what happened after I fell to the ground....But I knew that when I had woken up, nothing good would come of this....

When I had waken up, I could smell the seawater in my nostrils...And I could also see the ocean before me...I gasped and then sprung upward, so I was now sitting.

I was kidnapped...That's the only explanation. I mean, why else would I be here in the middle of the ocean in a boat?

When I stood up and looked to see what I was on, I was apparently standing on a deck of a large boat. However, the entrance inside the boat was closed shut, so I couldn't get in...And I wasn't willing to climb over the railing of the deck and jump overboard...Star and Shiela were still here somewhere as well! But I wasn't sure how I was going to find them...

So as I searched for some way inside the boat itself, the door flew opened, making me jump back a few feet. I ended up falling on the deck, so I was now sitting with my legs out in front of me.

When I heard someone approaching me, I looked up at them with wide eyes. A dude with red hair approaching me. (Pic to right) And for some reason, he didn't seem to like me very much.

"Are you okay?" He asked gently...And his words shocked me since he didn't seem to be the type that actually cared. Though, he was very gentle and calm as he stared at me.

I nodded, but I didn't say anything. Despite his kindness, I didn't trust him.

He chuckled, and I guessed he saw the look I was giving him. "No need to be afraid." He assured me. "We were on this boat when a helicopter was flying by. And suddenly, we saw three people falling in the sky. You, and two other girls fell into the ocean. Lucky for you, me and a few other people were passing on a boat...For if we weren't, you would have drowned."

I blinked. What kind of hobo throws cute innocent girls out of a helicopter?! And why didn't that guy throw Kimi out too?! What was his problem my gosh?!

I cleared my throat, then proceeded to get to my feet. "I don't know much..." I told him in a whisper. "But all I know is he kidnapped us when me and my friends were in town for no reason..."

The dude crossed his arms as he thought about it. "Well...I'm not sure either." He admitted. "I would ask you to tell me more, but I don't have time."

"But what about my friends?"

The dude cracked his knuckles which made me flinch a bit. "Their inside resting. We put you outside because you were very feisty in your sleep..."

I sighed and lowered my head. "My mistake..." I muttered.

The dude shrugged. "Well it doesn't matter anymore...Anyway, I'm Jax."

"Payton." I replied simply.

"So Payton..." Jax began. "Once your friends are awake, they'll come out here with you okay?" And without another word, he turned his back to me and went back into the ship.

I ran after him, but he closed and locked the door in my face before I could get inside. I was quite upset, since he basically locked me out in the cold night air...But at least I'm still alive thanks to him...So what do I have to complain about?

Well, I guessed that I was going to be out here for a while. So I brought myself up onto the railing and I sat on it and watched the waves hit the side of the boat as it drifted. I was wondering where Jax was going to go with the boat. Where was his destination? And when he got there, what was going to happen to Star, Shiela, and I?

Well, I guess that doesn't matter...i'm not going to find out until later anyway.

It seemed to be a good hour when the door to inside the ship opened. I turned my head, wondering who was coming outside.

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