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Once they got to the top, Shiela shoved her two friends off and glared at them as she pretended to wipe dirt off of herself. I laughed, then stared at what was over this hill.

Water! Nothing but water! The three of us walked toward the edge of a large cliff and looked downward. If we were to fall, we would fall into water. I knew it wasn't ocean water, so it must of been one of the largest lakes I've ever seen! Well...The only like I've ever seen actually.

Shiela slightly smiled herself. "It's....Pretty." She admitted quietly.

Star nodded. "Yeah. Like, when the sun hits it...It seems to sparkle."

I peered down into the lake. Star was right. The lake sparkled. It seemed even more pretty when the water moved for unknown reasons. Probably the fish or something.

"Enjoy it while you can..."

I blinked, then slowly turned my head toward Shiela and Star. They were staring at me as well...So I'm guessing they heard the voice as well. So I shot upwards and whipped around, ready to battle whoever was talking to us. But when I did....No one was there.

I cocked my head to the side, a bit confused. I thought he was there....

"Payton!" Shiela called out. "Behind you!"

I turned around again, and this time I saw the man...The man who tried to kill us, and Kimi. But I only got a glimpse at him, for her picked me up, and then threw me down into the lake.

I flailed my arms around, trying to grab ahold of something. I didn't care what....I just needed to stop! But I couldn't...I ended up falling into the water...And what really sucked was that the water...Wasn't as deep as I could have been. So when my back and head hit the rocks at the bottom, I ended up closing my eyes and falling asleep.


My eyes fluttered opened and I groaned. I pushed myself up onto my feet, also feeling a sharp pain in the back of my head. I just hold it though, for I was curious as to where I was. A cave, I guess?

As I ventured through the cave, I suddenly heard a gun shot. Now I had a sharp pain in my thigh. I yelped and fell down to my knee, holding my thigh. My blood seeped through my fingers, and I knew I couldn't stop the bleeding without...Something. I looked over and saw the extra piece of fabric hanging off my shorts. So I grabbed that and held it on my wound.

Now, I looked up, seeing who had shot me. Because they would regret it. But....When the person stepped out from the Shadows with a gun....I don't think I would be able to do anything.

Star. For some strange reason, Star had a large gun in her hand. She was glowing strangely, and was as white as a ghost. I lifted an eyebrow at her. "Star? You okay?"

Star closed one eye, then pointed the gun toward me. I gasped, then jumped out of the way when she shot the gun again. I rolled onto my stomach, then looked up. Now Star had suddenly fallen to the ground with weird, glowing ball things coming out of her...And then going into Shiela.

Wait...Where did Shiela come from?

I slapped myself. Duh...This is a dream! Wait...If it's my dream, then it could...Come...True....Oh shit!

Shiela picked up Star's gun. She shot it once at me, and I moved out of the way just in time. Shiela gave the gun a look, then tossed it over to the side, and then reaching for her scythe. Once she had it firmly in her hands, she ran toward me and swung.

I pushed myself to my feet as quickly as possible. I managed to move a little, but the end part of the scythe did hit my cheek and came down to my chin. I ignored the blood trickling down my face, as I grabbed my two daggers. "Shiela! Stop it!" I snapped, dodging Shiela's swings.

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