The Mysterious Kimi

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I was wondering by myself in the woods on the other side of the stream. I don't know why...I just decided to go there.

It was in the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep. So, I guess that's why I snuck out of the house, leaving Shiela and mom to sleep.

So with both of my daggers in hand, I ventured through the woods and cutting down tall grass or getting rid of those annoying prickers I always manage to cut myself on.

After a while of walking, I stopped to rest for a minute since I've been cutting down stuff for a good half hour....I decided to take a quick break before I continued onward.

However...Before I kept going, I heard a twig snap...And it made me jump...And now, I was even more cautious than ever. I don't think I could take a bear on my own if this were a bear...So I began to back away slowly, hoping not to disturb it.

But a soft, small voice made me stop dead in my tracks. "Umm....Excuse...Me?"

I blinked as I tilted my head to the side a bit. It was a girl's voice. She seemed to be confused or lost maybe. So i straightened myself out and said, "Yes?"

Just then, more twigs snapped and some bushes moved. I got tense when I head poked out from the bushes only a few feet away from me. A girl with long purple hair came out from the shadows. SHe was wearing a black cloak with a short black skirt. She had black boots on too. The hood of her cloak was up, however, it didn't really cover her face. Her face was in a heart-shape, and she was very pretty.

"May I help you?" I asked quietly.

The girl nodded and nervously began to play with her fingers. "Um yes. Is a town nearby?"

I nodded to her, and then pointed behind me. "Yeah. There's a town right over there. Would you like me to show you the way?"

The girl shook her head, her purple hair falling back in front of her shoulders when she had stopped. "No...Thank you." She said. She then turned her back to me and started to walk away.

I couldn't just let her leave. I mean, I didn't even know her name! "Wait!" I called after her as I extended my hand out toward her. The girl stopped, but didn't turn around. I awkwardly gulped, then said, "What's your name?"

I saw the girls head bow a bit. But then, she peeked over her shoulder and shot me a small smile. "Kimi." She replied.




I freaked out and ended up falling off my bed and onto the ground on my stomach. I groaned as I plopped my head into my arms, mumbling to myself. "What...?" I muttered.

Star's head suddenly appeared near mine when she lifted my head with her hands. "Dude you've been sleeping for like...Ever. Time to get up!"

As Star jumped away, I groaned and pushed myself up so I was then sitting on my knees. I then yawned and lifted my arms high above my head as I stretched. "Where's Shiela...?" I asked sleepily. My arms came down and I started to rub some of that annoying crust out of my eyes.

Star crossed her arms as she looked down at me. "She's downstairs waiting for you to get off your lazy butt." She said. "Meet us by the woods okay?" And with that, Star left me to get dressed.

So I quickly put on my clothing and brushed my long brown hair before putting it into a very low pony tail. (Pic of all three of us to the right) and then I headed out of my room.

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