Attack On The Ship

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"Ow ow ow ow ow...." Ryo squeezed his eyes shut as he struggled to stay in his position. Finn stayed out since he wanted to spin, and Shiela refused to let Star join since she wanted to prove herself to Ryo that she was more flexible then he was. And she was proving herself very well.

They were in an awkward position. Shiela her right foot on green, left foot on red along with her right hand on red. And her left hand was on yellow. Ryo now...Same thing, but he somehow ended up backwards! Like he was right above Shiela with his back facing toward her and his head almost resting on the mat...It was an amusing sight to see.

Finn and Star exchanged glances, and then Star purposely set the pointer onto something, that would make Ryo fall. Finn didn't argue, since he called out, "Right Foot...Red."

Ryo groaned as he attempted to move his foot. But along the way, he slipped and lost his balance and fell right on poor Shiela. Star laughed and said, "Shiela won!"

Shiela shoved Ryo off of her. She then stood up and  wiggled her arms to try and take the soreness away from them. "Geez...How long was that game?"

Finn looked up at a clock on the wall. "About a good half hour." He said.

Ryo brought himself up onto his foot and rubbed the back of his neck. "Ouch man..." He said. "That long?"

Shiela flicked her hair behind her shoulder. She sometimes does that when she proved something. "told you that I would beat you." She scoffed.

Ryo stuck his tongue out at her. "Meanie." He said. He opened his mouth to say something else, but all of the sudden, something flashed red, making Star and Shiela flinched. "Alarm!" Ryo exclaimed, holding up a finger.

Star looked at him. "Alarm?" She asked.

Finn looked at her. "Yeah. It flashes when something or someone is attacking the ship. So we better hurry to see what's going on." He then suddenly dashed off out of the game room, leaving Shiela, Star, and Ryo running to catch up.

When they got to the pilot area, Jax flicked a switch. "Some people are landing on the ship." He told them. "They're coming from a helicopter...I don't know what they want..." He turned himself around in the chair. "But if it's a fight they want, I will so kill them!"

Star held up her arms. "Watch out! We got a bad ass over here!"

Shiela rolled her eyes. "How about we just go on deck and kick their butts huh?" She suggested.

Ryo frowned. "What about Payton?" He asked.

Jax waved his hand. "You stay here and protect her then. The rest of us will find out what they want." And with that, he shoved everyone out of the way as he pulled out his dagger. Finn ran to follow, taking something out of his pocket and putting it around his knuckles. Only then did Star see that it was brass knuckles.

Star and Shiela nodded to each other, and then ran to follow. Ryo waited until they were done with the elevator before getting on himself and reaching back to Payton's level.

He ran up the stairs. He sighed with relief when  Payton was still resting on the bed. Ryo walked over to her and smoothly ran his finger down her face. Boy is she calm when unconscious.

The flash of the alarm gleamed once again, and that was when Payton's eyes flew opened.


When I was asleep, all I could see was some red flash. I eventually got annoyed with it so I made myself wake up. And who did I wake up to? Well of course the one and only Ryo!

I glared at him as I sat up. "Watching me sleep again?" I asked.

Ryo shook his head. One more red flash, and now the alarm actually went off. Now there was a constant beeping sound filling the room. I groaned and pressed my hands to my ears. "What is that ungodly sound?!" I demanded.

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