(CH11) Let's Have A Talk

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(A/N: all chapters are gonna be third person from now on :] )

Amelia marched out the double doors, her shoes clacking loudly against the pavement.

"I honestly cannot believe the nerve of that woman," Camila spoke out, "how can you take something from a child without even letting them speak."

Amelia stopped her fast pace to turn and face the other family.

"I agree, they shouldn't have any reason to take something from my sister without even consulting her about what it is. It's so stupid, first day back and Amity already has some random teacher hating her over a medical tool," Amelia took a moment to breathe before starting again, "Sorry that Luz got in trouble for this whole thing, and that she's got Mrs. Haver on her back now too."

The older woman responded with a dismissive wave, "No worries Amelia, it's not your responsibility to apologize, that's the schools issue. Plus you teach my daughter dance five times a week, if I got mad at you it would make picking up Luz pretty awkward."

Amelia laughed, appreciating Camila's understanding response.

Then a new voice came into conversation, "I never liked that school much when I went there anyways, I had Mrs. Haver and she was a MAJOR di-"



The situation had distracted Amelia so much she hadn't realized who was with her the entire time. Well, okay, she knew Lucia was there be she hadn't fully realized THE Lucia was there. And now that she had her head turned to look at the 19 year-old. She was wearing a black tank top with baggy grey cargos, along with a grey zip up sweater, and some headphones around her neck.

 She was wearing a black tank top with baggy grey cargos, along with a grey zip up sweater, and some headphones around her neck

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(y'all know i always come in clutch w the outfit visualizations😝😝 imagine this + grey zip up + 🎧)

THAT WAS JUST AN OBSERVATION THOUGH. Mhm, totally, just an observation....nothing else.

Oh who was she fooling? Amelia thought she looked good and wished she could stare at her for the rest of her life because of how amazing she looked and she had been lowkey obsessing over this girl forthe pastfewmonthsandcannotgetheroutofherheadohMyGOSH SHE'S BEEN LOOKING FOR TOO LONG-

Amelia got out of her own mind and focused on the present situation again as the two women still argued.

Thank God she didn't see me staring at her like a weirdo

"Okay okay Mama, I'm sorry for my language but you have to agree that she was a jerk."

"Of course I agree Lucia, but watch your language when talking with others for goodness sakes."

"Yes mami," the older sister said as she lightly rolled her eyes.

Luz then tapped her mothers arm, "Hey Ma, since it's been a bit of a rough day for Amity do you think it'd be okay for her to come over to our place?"

Met At a Dance Studio. (Lumity) (Beta AU)Where stories live. Discover now