Brother In law

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Win shocked and quickly got up from the chair then looked at Jean with extreme shocked face....

Jean : Wow!! Why you looking at me like ,
you are seeing an Annabell Doll!

Win : Uh Um.. N.. Nothing.. Why... you here at sudden??

Jean : Told you I wanna see Team.. I Just missed him badly...Where's he??

Win : Uh? um.. He--

Suddenly Team came outside then looked at the side and smiled widely when he saw his P'Jean..

Team : Phiii!!!!

Jean : Uh?? Heyyyyy baby!!!!

Team smiled and ran to her the quickly hugged her tightly.... so Jean smiled Hugged him back..

Jean : Oh My God !!My baby so missed Me? Uh?

Jean make him move back then looked at his face with a smile.. suddenly she shocked when she saw something under his Chin...

 suddenly she shocked when she saw something under his Chin

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Jean : Wait......a minute... Is that--

Jean Shocked and immediately looked at Win angerily...

Jean : You @#$$@@@&@&&#& WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!??!??

Win : Hey!! Stop staying that words Infront of him You IDIOT!!

Jean sighed and looked at Team who looking at her with a worried face...

Jean : Baby, P'Jean Bought you some ice cream..Inside my car..So Go there and have it...

Team immediately looked at Win like he asking Win nod his head with a smile.. so Team smiled widely then quickly ran to the side.. As soon as he gone, Jean looked at Win with angery face...

Win : uh Let me Expla--

Jean : DON'T TALK TO ME YOU AS**H*LE!! You Promised me!!!

Win : WHAT?? What did i promised??

Jean : You Promised that you'll keep him safe.. !

Win : That's doesn't Mean I won't do that with him right?? He is my boyfriend!!

Jean : Youuuu!!!

Jean looked down then took her high heeled sandal then threw at him...

Win : Hey No no no no no... God!!!!

Win quickly moved from the side before get hurt . .but poor Betin came there after talking on the phone and it perfectly hitted on his forehead...

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