Chapter 1

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Today all of the students in Class 1A are graduating today and they are all in their dorms getting ready
Izuku POV
Me and my boyfriend, Todoroki are getting ready in my dorm before it's our time to walk down the stage
"Todoroki do you think this suit fit me right." Izuku asked,"Hmm yeah it looks great on you babe"Todoroki says while looking at his phone."
Izuku looks down because his boyfriend hasn't been giving him attention the whole time they been in the dorm room he has only been giving his phone attention.
'What is he even looking at in his phone.' Izuku thought to himself as he looked at Todoroki threw the mirror.
Todoroki POV
I was in my boyfriends dorm while getting changed but then I stopped because I wanted to go on Instagram
"Todoroki do you think this suit fit me right." Izuku asked,"Hmm yeah it looks great on you babe" I said to Izuku while me to busy looking in my phone.
No one POV
Todoroki and Izuku were done changing and they were standing in line with the others to be called on stage
"Hey bro!"Kirishima says to Izuku,"Hey Kirishima" Izuku says back
"Hey Todo!"Kirishima says to Todoroki while he winked at him,"H-Hey"Todoroki stutter as he said hey to Kirishima
Izuku thought it was a little weird that Todoroki stuttered because Todoroki usually never stutters
"Anyways guys I wanna introduce you guys to my boyfriend" Kirishima says showing his sharky grin
"Kay!" Izuku says with a smile, "BABE!"Kirishima cried out calling his boyfriend, "What shitty hair!" Bakugo says as he heard his boyfriend call him
"I wanna introduce you to my friends" Kirishima says while smiling, Bakugo roles his eyes and says "Whatever"."Okay guys this is my boyfriend" Kirishima says showing off his boyfriend
"Whatever extras" Bakugo says annoyed. Kirishima hits Bakugo arm "Shit damn shitty hair" Bakugo cursed out
"Be nice"Kirishima says to Bakugo," Fine" Bakugo says while rolling his eyes.
"I'm Katsuki Bakugo" Bakugo says while having no care in this world," I'm Izuku Midoriya and this is my boyfriend, Shoto Todoroki"Izuku says while smiling wildly "mhmm" Katsuki hummed out.
After they got finished introducing themselves they were called on stage one by one starting with Kirishima, Todoroki, Izuku,then Bakugo and then the other students.



💫After that💫
No one POV
"Whatever angry Pomeranian" Mina said while rolling her eyes,
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY YOU EXTRA" Bakugo said angrily, " Babe calm down" Kirishima says trying to calm his angry pomeranian down "WHATEVER" Bakugo yelled while walking off, "what am I gonna do with him" Kirishima says while giggling,' you could just break up with him' Todoroki whispers to himself and Kirishima heard him and looked at him with a smirk which made Todoroki blushed
Well good thing Izuku didn't hear him because he didn't know why he was blushing but he didn't really care either.
"We should have a sleep over" momo says while smiling, 
"Omg yassssss" Mina says while jumping up and down,"Okay everyone's coming' right" momo says,everyone said 'yes' bout going to the sleepover except Bakugo because he was in the other room but Kirishima said yes for him to.
"Okay the Sleepover is this Saturday (today for them is Thursday) I will text y'all my address and see y'all then" Momo says while leaving, everyone says see u later to each other and then leaves

Anyways this the end of this chapter I will make another one obviously love y'all tho ❤️😌




591 words

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