Chapter 19

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This will probably be a short chapter today so yeah let's get into it now!



No One pov 

"So how are we gonna do that?" Katsuki asked, "Well Mina and Momo wanted to help us out ever since I was texting them about getting the whole group chat here" Izuku answered back, " How do they know they cheated on us anyway?" Katsuki asked again, "Welp when they were looking for us last night they saw Todoroki and Kirishima making out in a corner" Izuku answered back once again, "Well get to texting them I'm going to lay down My back fucking hurts" Katsuki said as he got up, "Your forgetting something?" Izuku asked as he crossed his arms, " Tch" Katsuki answered back while bending over and giving Izuku a peck on the lips before walking off, " *Giggles* Thank you!" Izuku said, " *Turns Middle Finger* Whatever!" Katsuki answers back as he closed the door, 'Okay let's get this started' Izuku said to himself as he picked up his phone.




Texting Scene 😘


Mina- let me explain the plan to him!


Momo- No I will!


Izuku- Umm....Girls-


Momo- Oh hi My child


Mina- Hi Midoriya


Izuku- So the plan...


Momo- Wait did y'all record them or have any evidence of them cheating


Izuku- Yeah I do


Mina- Can you send it please..


Izuku- Yeah sure


Izuku has sent an attachment


Mina and Momo have viewed the attachment


Momo- Awwe  Izuku you sounded so sad at the end...


Mina- Bakugou sounded disappointed at the end too....


Izuku- Yeah... But he cheered me up tho 


Momo-Yeah that's good...-


Mina- Enough sad talking!.. Okay this is the plan-


Momo- Me and Mina are gonna have everyone meet at My house-


Mina- Then you will connect your phone into the television-


Momo- After we get everyone in the house and in the living room-


Mina- That's when we will give you the cue to start the video-


Momo- And after the video you and Bakugou will say when that happened and what time-


Mina- And then y'all will break the news that y'all are officially dating-


Momo- And that's mostly it..


Izuku- *Blink* *Blink* That sounds like a good plan to me!


Mina and Momo- Now go tell Bakugou the plan!


Izuku- Okay okay!



After Text Scene




"Kacchan! Kacchan!" Izuku yelled out, "Why the hell are you fucking yelling for!" Katsuki answered back, " Just come in here!" Izuku said, "Whatever I'm Coming!" Katsuki answered back while getting out of bed and walking to the living room, "So what?" Katsuki ask, " Mina and Momo Told me the plan and it's actually good" Izuku answered back while patting on the couch for Katsuki to sit down, " Okay so what is it then?" Katsuki asked while sitting down on the couch, "So basically they said they was gonna invite everyone to Momo house, but one thing is that me and you is gonna already be in the house connecting my phone to the Television and they is gonna move them to the living room and then they is gonna give me the cue to play the video and then at the end me and you is gonna explain when that happened and what time it happened and then we will break the news that me and you are dating" izuku answered back, " Not a bad plan I guess and don't tell them I said that either" Katsuki said as he got up and walked back to the room, " Mhmm I won't" Izuku said, " Wait when will it happen?" Katsuki ask while turn around, "Well let me text them right quick and see" Izuku answer back while picking up his phone



Texting Scene again


Izuku- Mina? Momo? anyone?


Momo- Yes 


Izuku- What day will we do it


Mina- I was thinking Saturday because today is Thursday and that will give us time-


Momo- And It won't be weird also-


Izuku- Oh okay thank you


Momo and Mina- Your welcome My child / Midoriya



After Texting scene


"They said we will do it on Saturday so it won't be weird" Izuku said, " Alright I'm going to sleep, You coming?" Katsuki asked, " Yeah i'm coming!" Izuku answered back while running to Bakugou room. They then went to sleep that night😚✌.





Y'all I know the chapter was short but I was lazy today and I hope y'all have a great day/night and stay blessed.





704 words





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