Chapter 7

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Todoroki POV
The next day I woke up see Kirishima still sleeping with his boxers on I was still sore from yesterday from doing you know what ('DEVILS TANGLE❤️‍🔥')I then tried to attempt to walk at least to the kitchen but I failed horribly by almost falling on my face, which I also almost woke up Kirishima 'Shit' I said quietly "Mmm" Kirishima hummed out as he turned over on the bed.I then tried again of walking to the kitchen successfully without falling on my goddamn face(Trying not to fall on my face later).Thank god I actually didn't fall on my face after I successfully made it to the kitchen I then cook a Porridge bowl for the both of us.{If you don't what it is it's a image below}

After I got finished I then went back to the room where I saw Kirishima putting on his clothes, I then stared at Kirishima back muscles as he put his shirt on

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After I got finished I then went back to the room where I saw Kirishima putting on his clothes, I then stared at Kirishima back muscles as he put his shirt on.I then blushed slightly before entering the bathroom to get ready after I then was done I then walked out of the bathroom and to the kitchen and saw Kirishima who was waiting for me to eat with him I walked over gave him a quick peck on the lips and hurriedly sat down to eat before I could even pick up the spoon to eat "*cough* *cough* did you forget that we have to pray pebble" Kirishima says as he look at me with a staring look, I then sighed and then sat down my spoon and put hands together and prayed. TIME SKIPPPPP(Because why not)
After we got finished eating we then went to the couch and watched tv until we heard our phone go off



Best dancer of them all-'well I kinda lied, we're moving today because me and momo schedule it for today'

Cute Broccoli-'But Mina I have to do more packing-'

Best dancer of them all-' Oh that's fine we will be moving in later on today it's only 7:00 a.m. we will be moving into the apartments at I will say 3:00 p.m'

Earphones-'oh yeah that should give us time'

Big Titties-'ight everyone I will tell my Butler's to come pick up y'all things when y'all are done alr'

Shark face-'Yeah Okay!'

Angry Pomeranian-'Where were you last night Kiri!'

Shark face-'I was at my parents house last night'

Angry Pomeranian-'Oh whatever bye losers'

Angry Pomeranian left the chat

Floaty pants-'Okay bye everyone'

Sonic-'yeah bye everyone 👋'

Floaty pants and Sonic has left the chat

Cute Broccoli-'Todor-'

Icy Thot-'bye guys'

Icy Thot has left the chat

Cute Broccoli-' *Blink* *Blink* anyways bye guys'

Cute Broccoli has left the chat

Angry Pomeranian has join the chat


Everyone has left the chat
No one POV
Todoroki then got up and then hurriedly pushed Kirishima out of the house so he can quickly pack,After he was done packing he then plopped down on the bed and checked his phone and looked at the time '12:00 p.m.' he then looked at the celling as he felt himself getting sleepy as he closed his eyes and went to sleep
Bakugo and Midoriya Texting scene
Bakugo-' Hey nerd'

Midoriya-' Yes kacchan?'

Bakugo-'what the fuck kind of name is that'

Midoriya-' Oh sorry I just can't pronounce your name right so I was thinking I could just give you a nickname-'

Katsuki-' Yeah yeah whatever anyways I feel like our boyfriends are up to something'

Midoriya-'what do you mean'

Katsuki-'I mean I feel like their cheating on us tbh-'

Midoriya-'I mean Todoroki-san has been a little distance towards me-'

Katsuki-' see that's what I mean Kirishima has been also not like I care but it's a little weird'

Midoriya-' They have been hanging out a lot ngl-'

Katsuki-'we should wait a little longer to get a little more information if we're going to confront them'

Midoriya-'Yeah your right'

Katsuki-'anyways nerd imma text you later I gotta get finished packing'

Midoriya-'Oh okay bye kacchan 😁'

Katsuki-' Mhmm whatever'
No one POV
After they got finished packing Momo then texted them that the Butler's were on they're way there and they can just hop in the limo while they are getting their things put in the limo. After that they then made their way to the apartments and the Butler's then put their stuff in their rooms and left "Omg I will love my apartment even more when I get finished decorating it" Mina said as she was jumping up in joy ,"okay I will leave y'all to it bye guys and good night" Momo said as she left ," I think we should head to sleep and get unpacking in the morning" Mina said as he rubbed her eyes "yeah goodnight guys" Izuku said as he walked to his room.Everyone then walked to they're room and went to sleep { They had air mattresses to sleep on because Momo didn't bring their furniture yet until The morning}
To be continued
Omg thank you so much for reading this chapter I love you guys so much have a nice day{ I will be posting tomorrow I will just be showing y'all how their apartments will be looking as well showing y'all the scene of them unpacking}❤️‍🔥💫😌💫❤️‍🔥
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