Chapter 13

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Katsuki POV

Today i woke up to someone fucking yelling in the god damn intercom system,"EVERYONE WAKE THE HELL UP WE HAVE TO GET TO COLLEGE EARLY BESTIESSS!!"The person who was yelling in the intercom system was Mina ass,"Oh whatever extra!"I yelled back into the intercom as I got up to get changed. I then changed into a Black tank top,Black ripped jeans,Black hoodie with a skull in the middle,Air Jordan 7 Retro, and putting a Black hat on to make my outfit complete and I then walked to my bathroom to brush my teeth, After i got finished i then walked out of my room and walk to the front of the building to wait for everyone else.





No One Pov

Everyone then started coming out of the building one by one, everyone was wearing(Everyone wanted to match on the first day of college that's why bakugo is wearing all black with a little bit of white (-bc of the skull-)


Tsu- A button up oversized white shirt, Black Corset, Black sleeves, messy bun, and Black heels


Uraraka- A Black crop top, Black blue Jean jacket with the letter "U" on it(-The letter "U" is White-), Black leather Pants, White Air Forces,and (Hair is the same)


Momo- White shirt dress,Black Jean Jacket, Black Heel boots that come up to her knee,Hair down,and Black sun glasses


Mina- Black crop top,White overalls,Black and white Nikes, (Hair still the same),Black Necklace,and White ear ringers


Jiro- Oversized hoodie with a drawing of an amine girl(-Drawing is white-), Black skirt, Black choker with a heart on it, Black boots,Black fishnets, and White sleeves


Izuku-Black crop top With the word "Pink" on it (-The word "Pink" is white-), white tennis skirt, Black and White Jordans,(Hair still the same), Black necklace, black rings, and Sun glasses(-No i had to make him look good-)


Shinsou-White shirt, Black Blue Jean Jacket , Black pants with some holes in it ,White Air forces,Black sun glasses,and Black watch


Iida-White Turtle neck, black Leather jacket, Black pants, Black Air forces,And White belt,


Bakugo- (-We already know-)


kirishima- Black button up shirt, white pants,a black belt,Sun glasses, and black air force ones


Todoroki- Black tank top, White hoodie with the letter "T" on it(-The letter "T" is black-)Black Jogging pants with white stripes on the side of them,And black hat on


Denki-Black shirt with the word "Electro" on it(-the word "Electro" is white-) Black ripped jeans,White Jordans, and Black hat




(Since we all no what they r wearing lets get to the good part shall we Hun huns)

After all made it outside

"OMG YOU GUYSS OUTFITS ARE SO CUTE" Mina to all the girls aswell as izuku,"Thank you Mina" They all said as they looked at Mina who Outfit who was cute aswell,"Mina your outfit is cute to" Izuku said as he look at the details that are in her outfit,"Awwe thank you my child"MIna said as she gave him a hug and the pulling away because someone caught her eye,"Oooooooo~ Izuku someone's looking at you~"Mina then whispered in his ear,"H-Huh?" Izuku said as he looked behind him to see someone staring at him which was Katsuki, izuku hurriedly turn back around with a blushing face,' Heh~the nerd is blushing huh?-'Katsuki said to himself as he walked up to Mina and Izuku,"Hey Nerd~" Katsuki said as he putted his arm around Izuku shoulder"H-Hey K-Kacchan"Izuku stuttered out as he had he face in his hands,"Alright everyone lets all head to college so we wont be late"Mina said as she walked away from to the two love birds and walked to her car.They all then drove to the college which they saw people standing outside of the building,"Hey- why do you think they are all standing outside of the building kacchan?"Izuku said as he look out of the window,"Probably because the doors are lock or something i don't know nerd" Katsuki said as he park the car, "anyway you wanna get out?"Katsuki said as he reached out for the door handle,"No- we can just stay in here until they unlock the doors" Izuku said as he picked up his phone,"Okay nerd" katsuki said as he also picked up his phone and going threw it and aswell having his hand on Izuku thigh.



The doors finally Opens

Katsuki and Izuku then got out of the car and started heading to the building when they finally reached to the building," You ready nerd" Katsuki said as he grabbed the door handle,"Yes, Yes I am Kacchan" Izuku said as he looked at katsuki, Katsuki then open the door to seeing a lot of people going up the stairs to their classes and even seeing people head to the cafeteria to get breakfast,"Damn there's a lot of people here" Katsuki said as he started walking to the cafeteria,"Mhmm-" Izuku hummed out before heading to the cafeteria also. They then finally reached the cafeteria,"Hey what can I get ya?" The cafeteria lady then said before grabbing a plate,"I would like to have Bacon,eggs and cheese with grits" Katsuki said as he reached out to grab his plate," Thank You" Katsuki said as he got out lane,"Hey what can I get ya" The cafeteria lady then said again," I will also like to get Bacon,eggs and cheese with a fruit cup please"Izuku said as he reached out to grab his plate,"Thank you :)" Izuku said as he walked out of lane also and walked to Katsuki who was sitting down eating,"So kacchan Quick question" izuku said as he picked up his fruit cup,"Hmm-" Katsuki hummed out as he ate his grits,"When are we gonna confront Todoroki and Kirishima?" izuku said as he ate a strawberry,"We have to wait nerd because if we hurry it they will know something's up like give it a month or two i promise we will do it" Katsuki said as he then continued to eat his grits.

After they got finished eating

After they got finished eating they then put their plates up and then headed to class lucky they took all classes(-4 classes btw-) together which was great but they had to introduce themselves when they reached to class everyone then started to stare at them,"What the hell are y'all looking at?!?" Katsuki said as he looked at them,"K-Kacchan!" Izuku then yelled at katsuki for saying that,"Whatever nerd"Katsuki then said,"Okay class we have new students today, And you guy introduce yourselves please" The teacher said as he looked at them,"My name is Izuku Midoriya" izuku said as he looked towards the class,"And My name is Katsuki Bakugo" Katsuki said as he also looked towards the class,"Okay you guys can go take a seat now" The teacher then said,"And also my Name is Mr.Aziawa" Mr.Aziawa then said until he then started back to teaching

After their classes

(-btw if you wanna no their teachers, 1st period teacher is-Mr.Aziawa, 2nd period teacher-Nemuri Kayama, 3rd period teacher-Hizashi Yamada, and 4th period teacher-All might)Anyways Bakugo and Izuku then started to head back to the apartments because a long day at college which was quite boring also bakugo then parked the car and then started heading inside and went to their rooms(-at this point the time was like 4:30-)





Izuku POV

I then walked to my room from a long day at college i then started to take my clothes off and head into the shower, After 20 minutes i then got out of the shower i then walked to my closet to find me some PJA's (-Which was a black crop top and black booty shorts-)i then went to my deck to do my homework who I got from Ms.Yamada. After i finished my homework for her and doing a little of studying i then picked up my phone to look at the time which was now 8:10 'Damn i studied for 3 hours ' I said to myself as i plopped on the bed and went straight to sleep.









Sorry y'all i haven't been active on my story but anyways imma post tmr to anyways imma just head to bed now myself, have a nice day/night and stay blessed






1332 words

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