Chapter 9

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No one POV
Someone had knocked on the door which kinda scared Izuku and Katsuki until they snapped back into reality,"Hurry and hide!" Izuku yelled quietly so no one heard him," alright Shit hmm I will hide in yo bathroom!" Katsuki also yelled but quietly.Then the person who was at the door knocked again," Coming!" Izuku said while getting up off the bed and opening the door," Oh hey Todo"
"Hello Midoriya",they then walked to Izuku bed and sat down,"Did you need anything at this time of night" Izuku said while looking at him with wondering face,"I was wondering why are you still awake?" Todoroki said while looking back at Izuku,"Oh....I was looking through my phone-" Izuku said hesitatingly," U-uh Okay well you know we had made plans for Tomorrow which is Today right"
" Yeah why" Izuku said knowing that he is gonna cancel,"While we have to cancel them because my mom called and she said she need help on something Today" Todoroki said knowing damn well that he is lying,"Oh okay that is fine tell her I said "Hey" tho" Izuku said knowing he was lying the whole time," Oh babe imma head back to my room bye" Todoroki said as he got up and gave Izuku an Quick peck on the lips before heading out.Izuku then walked to the door and then closed it behind Todoroki,Then Izuku heard door open from the bathroom which was Katsuki leaving making sure he didn't see Todoroki,"So how did that go" Katsuki said as he wrapped his arms Izuku waist,"Welp he lied that he was gonna help his mom with something today and that's why he cancelled our date" Izuku said while looking down at floor," Welp Kirishima did the same thing with me he just got finished texting me it when I was in the bathroom" Katsuki said as he plopped onto Izuku's bed,"I think we should spy on them because ain't no way both of them would have cancel both of our dates with them at the SAME time" Izuku said as he walked where Katsuki and sat beside him,"But we already know they Cheating why do we have to spy on them for?" Katsuki asked while pulling Izuku into his lap," Well we can take Videos and Pictures of them cheating so if they do catch us and try to confront us they can't because we already have proof of them cheating on us before we Cheated on them" Izuku while smiling at how smart he is," Well damn that is a good plan not gonna lie but what do you think they will meet up at" Katsuki says while he plays with Izuku hair," While me and Todoroki was gonna go to the Movies so..There!" Izuku says as he walks to his closet,"Okay then we will go there first" Katsuki then got up and gave Izuku Quick peck on the lips before walking out of the room,'OMG HE JUST GAVE ME A KISS AGAIN I AM FALLING INLOVE WITH THIS MAN EACH AND EVERYDAY BRU' Izuku thought to himself before he put on his clothes after he then walked out of his room and went to the front of the building waiting for Bakugo to come out,After 10 Minutes Bakugo finally came out ,"alright you ready" Bakugo said while walking to his car,"Yeah let's go" Izuku said while walking to Bakugo car as well,After they drove to their destination {Btw they were there before them} then Bakugo parked the car and they waited until they saw a Red Ferrari which was Kirishima's that's how they knew it was them they then kept watching the car park and to see was that actually him.They then saw a Red haired spiky person getting out of the car as well as a candy cane headed person getting out now they actually knew it was them,They then waited until they went inside of the place ('Movies') and then they made their first move of following them they saw them pay they way inside and they did the same as well {Because how else they was gonna get in duhh 😒} After made it into the Place ('Movies') they were in they then took a sit at the back so they couldn't see but also made sure they could take pictures and videos of them also,"Okay what Movie this supposed to be?" Katsuki asked Izuku,"Well it's a romance movie" Izuku said as he was looking at Todoroki and Kirishima closely,"Oh okay are they doing anything up there" Katsuki asked,"Well no,But I guess Kirishima trinna make the first move by putting his arm around Todoroki" Izuku said as he was still looking at them closely.After a few Minutes the movie then started but Izuku and Bakugo wasn't paying attention to the movie they was to busy looking at Kirishima and Todoroki to do something,A few minutes in the movie they saw Kirishima put his hand on Todoroki thigh,"Deku take a picture now!" katsuki yelled quietly,"Okay and did you just give me a nickname-"Izuku said as he took the picture and looked at Katsuki," Yeah yeah whatever I did" Katsuki as he looked back at Todoroki and Kirishima,Izuku then looked back at Todoroki and Kirishima as well while also blushing that Bakugo gave him a nickname.
After the movie
They really didn't get that good of Pictures and stuff but that was okay but before they was finna leave the parking lot and go home Izuku saw Kirishima and Todoroki making out in Kirishima's car," Wait kacchan, L-look!" Izuku said as he hold his phone up and recorded Kirishima and Todoroki making out while his heart was breaking at the same as he saw HIS BOYFRIEND Cheating on him
Katsuki then looked at Kirishima's car and saw the same thing as what Izuku saw and His heart was breaking as well,"I think that's enough Deku" Katsuki whispered as he looked at Izuku who was holding back his tears,Izuku then stop recording and looked at Katsuki," Yeah I-I think we should go now" Izuku agreed with Katsuki as he looked out of the window.
Katsuki then drove out of the parking lot and drove to their apartments," Hey Deku" Katsuki said," hmm" Izuku hummed out,"Look don't be sad about Todoroki Cheating on you I know I am a little disappointed that Kirishima would do something like that but look we still have eachother" Katsuki said as he took Izuku Hand and hold it,"Mhmm Yeah You are right" Izuku said as he looked at Katsuki and smiled,"Alright now let's head inside because tomorrow we have long day ahead of us"Katsuki said as he took his keys out of his car," Yeah!" Izuku said with a wide smile which made Bakugo smile.
To be continued.
Thank you guys for reading this chapter this one was a little sad tbh but that's is fine anyways Next chapter will be.....can I get a drum roll please 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 " SIGNING UP FOR COLLEGE" atp finally anyways I hope y'all like this chapter and have a nice day and stay blessed 😌❤️❤️‍🔥👋
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