Chapter 20

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One Day Later~


Curseyousatan Pov

Today is the day for Their plan to work out correctly, Izuku and Katsuki are still in Katsuki's room waiting quietly for Mina and Momo to give them the cue to go to Momo's house. Momo then give them the cue to walk over to her house and to connect Izuku phone into her Television.




No One POV

"Kacchan we can go now, Momo gave me the cue to walk over there now." Izuku said as he walked to the door, " Alright I'm coming" Katsuki said he walked to the door aswell. They then started walking towards Momo's house to get started. Izuku then knocked on the door, " Hi Izuku-kun and Bakugo-san" Momo greeted them while letting them inside of the house, " Hey Momo/Ponytail" Izuku and Katsuki greeted aswell while walking in, " Okay so y'all connect the phone into the Television and then call me when y'all are done." Momo said as she walked away, "Okay!" Izuku said as walked to where the Television was and turned it on, " You know how to connect your phone into the Television right?" Katsuki asked, " Not really, can you help...?" Izuku asked, "Whatever" Katsuki said while rolling his eyes and grabbing the phone out of Greenette hands, " Thank you! But I am going to find Momo to ask her what we do after this" Izuku said while walking away to find Momo, "Yeah, Okay" Katsuki said. Izuku then went out to find Momo or atleast Mina, "Momo?......Momo?..............Mo-" Izuku sentence was cut off, " Yes My child" Momo answered back, "What did you want me and Kacchan to do after we get finished?" Izuku asked, " Okay Yeah Y'all have to hide so they won't know y'all are here" Momo answered, " So where do we hide?" Izuku asked again,  " Okay just hide in the closet beside the Television so y'all can hear while the video is playing and stuff" Momo answered back, " Okay I will tell Kacchan thank you Momo!" Izuku said while walking back, " Your welcome" Momo answered back while walking away as well.

When Izuku got back to the living room he told Katsuki that they have to hide in the closet beside the Television so no one knows that they are here Katsuki obviously acted like he didn't care. They then waited there until Momo or Mina told them to hide. 


30 minutes later~


Momo then walked in the living room and asked them to hide and that's exactly what they did. They waited there until Mina or Momo gave them the cue but they started to hear someone talking outside of the door. "Kiri why do we have to come here?" The mysterious person asked. Izuku immediately knew who the person was so he hurriedly took his phone out and started recording. " We have to come here because she is our friend and she said everyone has to be here." The other mysterious person replied, " But I don't wanna be here I wanna be with you at home." The other answered, " We have to be here and when we get home I will give you a surprise." The other said, "Hmm....Well Okay the surprise better be good tho." The other replied, " Mhmm it will be." The other said while giving a kiss to the other and walking out. And Izuku heard that behind the door so he hurriedly texted Momo and Mina that they will have 2 videos that will be playing tonight .




Texting Scene~


Izuku- MOMO?! MINA?!?


Mina- Yes what happened?!


Izuku- so 2 people walked in here and started talking so I started recording in case it was Kirishima and Todoroki.


Momo- Yeah it was them because they asked where the bathroom was { like they were my house before how you don't know} And I told them and they were the only ones there.   


Mina- Yeah so send that vid right quick.


Izuku has send an attachment 


Mina and Momo has viewed the attachment


Momo- Yeah that's definitely them 


Mina- Yeah 100%


Izuku- Okay i'm gonna make the videos combined so it won't take long for it to play.


Momo and Mina- Okay bye then Izuku-kun/ My child!


Izuku- Bye Girls!




After Texting Scene~


Izuku then told Katsuki what they were talking bout because he wasn't paying attention. Izuku and Katsuki then  started to hear people talking and doors shutting they then knew that it was go time, they then waited again for Mina or Momo to give them the cue. Izuku then got a text from the group chat which said "Go, play the video" From Momo. Izuku then started playing the video. Izuku and Katsuki then heard people Gasping from the other side of the door. After the first video stopped playing Momo saw that Kirishima and Todoroki trying to leave, "Sit. back. down!" Momo demanded and they did what she said. Then the second video started playing people grasped even more as well as people yelling their name out and saying how disgusting they are for doing that. After the video stopped playing Izuku got another text which said "Y'all can come out now" From Mina and that's what they did. Izuku and Katsuki then came out of the closet, " Surpise!" Izuku said with a wide smile while Katsuki just walked out with his arms crossed. " Y'all was in there the whole time?" Sero asked, "Yep! and we're the ones who started the video" Izuku answered back. " But if y'all don't know where the first video took place, It took place here at 5:30 p.m and the second video took place at the movies parking lot at 9:20 p.m." Izuku answered, "So does this mean you and I are done Baku-babe....?" Kirishima asked, "What do you think shitty hair?" Katsuki answered back, "And Todoroki before you asked yes me and you are done and I don't want to see you again" Izuku said while crossing his arms, "Don't y'all have another announcement" Momo asked, "Oh yes we do, Me and Kacchan are dating!" Izuku said. Everyone then started cheering but someone interrupted, "So that means you and bakugo cheated on us first!" Kirishima said, "Actually Me and Kacchan started dating for 3 months now but we found out y'all were cheating on us for 5 months now, so who was cheating first now?" Izuku asked while Kirishima didn't answer back,  " Exactly." Izuku said, "Since y'all know the news now can we go the fuck home now?" Katsuki asked, " *Laughs* Yeah Y'all can go home now" Momo said as people started to congratulate Izuku and Katsuki for being a couple and started walking home. Everyone has left Momo's house except Izuku and Katsuki, "Thank you for helping us Momo" Izuku said while hugging Momo, " Your so welcome My child" Momo said while hugging back and then Izuku broke the hug and walked to door waving to Momo before he left.






I hope y'all this chapter I hope y'all have a great day/night and stay blessed





1169 words

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