Chapter 10

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Izuku POV
I woke up to see everyone crowded up in my room watching me sleep 'Creepy much' I thought to myself,"U-Uh hey guys-" I said while being creeped out about them watching me while I sleep,"Oh hey Midoriya since you was the last one to wake up we just came in here to watch you sleep" Mina said while having a very psychopathic smile on her face,"H-hehe imma just get changed" I said while getting up and forgetting that I didn't have a shirt on,"Damn Izuku u ripped" Kirishima said while giving me a thumbs up,"Oh thanks Kiri"I said while being a little embarrassed then I saw someone in the corner of my eye staring at me I mean hungrily I then looked over to Kacchan smirking at me while still staring at me,"W-welp I-imma get c-changed n-now"I stuttered while blushing and quickly running towards the bathroom,"Okay y'all let's leave Midoriya room we don't wanna see something that we do wan- I meant that we don't wanna see!" Mina said while she hold the door open for everyone can leave the room,"THANK YOU MINA!"I said while still in the bathroom,"YOUR WELCOME MIDORIYA!-"She said back before leaving the room as well.
❣️After changing ❣️
I then started heading down to the to the front of the building where they told to go,"Oh hey Midoriya"Mina said as she walked towards to me,"Hey Mina"I said as I looked where Kacchan were,"Hey do you like Bakugo Midoriya~" Mina said,"H-Huh" I said while turning a little red,"I know how you look at him come on I keep secrets you can tell me frienddd~"Mina said as she got closer to me,"Okay okay yes I do" I said as I looked at the ground avoiding eye contact while being a blushing mess,"Oh Hun he likes you too to be honest" Mina said while looking at Bakugo also,"Oh okay anyways wanna do a TikTok"I asked,"EKKK OF COURSE"Mina said excitedly while grabbing my arm and pulling me

{The very first video is them just imagine them outside and the class watching them do it and Deku is the one on the ground and Mina behind him}
"Damn Midoriya all that ass tho" Denki said as he watched them do the TikTok," I agree bru ngl" Kirishima said,"Damn bro you like the view don't you huh" Sero said as he looked at Bakugo who who was smirking and licking his lips{btw they wasn't beside Kirishima and Denki so they didn't see nor hear him when he said that},"Hell yeah" Bakugo said,"What about Kirishima tho?-" sero said,"Oh I already know he cheating on me with Todoroki" Bakugo said while still looking at Deku ass,"WHAT!!" Sero said,"Shut the hell up idiot!" Bakugo said while putting his hand on sero mouth,"Yeah me and him both know we are secretly together without them knowing so don't fucking yell out like that stupid"Bakugo whispered before letting him go,"Oh sorry Bro that just caught me off guard because I didn't think Todoroki would done something like that and I damn sho didn't think Kirishima would do that" Sero said as he looked at Bakugo," Yeah I was a little disappointed also but damn I'm not now did you see that ass~" Bakugo said while looking back at Izuku and then his ass,"I mean Yeah bro go get you some I think y'all will make a cute couple anyways"sero said as he put his arm on Bakugo shoulder which Bakugo didn't care because he was enjoying the view
"OKAY EVERYONE WE GONNA DRIVE TO THE COLLEGE'S IF YOU PREFER TO RIDE WITH SOMEONE ELSE YOU CAN"Mina said while winking at Izuku and looking at Bakugo,before Izuku could even try to attempt to ride with Todoroki, Todoroki walked where Kirishima was and walked off so he didn't cared anyways and just walked where Bakugo was,"Let's go Kacchan" Izuku said while skipping to his car,"Alright" Bakugo said while still looking at his ass
After the arrived
They then entered the college And was amazed at what they saw{Btw this is the group 2 College}

"Damn this the college we gonna go to" Kirishima says as he walked beside Todoroki,"I guess so"Todoroki then said,"Yep this is the place hope y'all like it my Mom said she pick out a wonderful college for y'all,Y'all go sign up and meet back at ap...

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"Damn this the college we gonna go to" Kirishima says as he walked beside Todoroki,"I guess so"Todoroki then said,"Yep this is the place hope y'all like it my Mom said she pick out a wonderful college for y'all,Y'all go sign up and meet back at apartments when y'all is done I have to show the others their college"Momo said as she walked out.
After the others arrived to theirs
They also arrived to their college and was amazed at how their college looked

"Well damn our college look good"Izuku said as he covered his mouth from what he just said,"Did you just curse"Bakugo said as he looked at Izuku,"S-sorry" Izuku said as he looked at the ground,"It's okay I was just surprised"Bakugo said as he put ...

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"Well damn our college look good"Izuku said as he covered his mouth from what he just said,"Did you just curse"Bakugo said as he looked at Izuku,"S-sorry" Izuku said as he looked at the ground,"It's okay I was just surprised"Bakugo said as he put his hand on the top of his head and played with his hair,"Okay you two love birds anyways y'all go get sign in and meet back at the apartments when y'all are done"Momo said as she walked out and left them to sign in for their selfs
After they were done signing up
"Okay guys let's go back to the apartments since we're done"Mina said as she looked at everyone,"Okay!" Everyone said as they walked out of the building,"Come-on Kacchan let's beat them there"Izuku said as he happily ran to the car,"Okay nerd wait for me!"Bakugo said as he started running to the car, Bakugo then started the car and drove out of the parking lot and started driving to their apartments surprisingly they were the first ones there well as they thought until they saw Kirishima car at the right corner of the building,which Todoroki and Kirishima was making out in welp that didn't matter because Deku and Bakugo didn't really care then they saw the others pull up and then got out of the car then they did the same as well,"Alright guys let's all go inside and get some sleep because tomorrow is the weekend and we are going shopping!!" Mina said as she started walking in the building and the others followed, Everyone was going into their rooms when Bakugo was heading to his room someone then grabbed him and then closed the door behind him,"Hey Kacchan" Izuku said while smiling,"Shit Deku you almost gave me a heart attack" Bakugo said as he looked at Izuku," Oh sorry I just wanted to give you a kiss before you went to sleep"Izuku said as he scratch the back of his head,"Oh then" Bakugo said as he pinned Izuku to the wall and gave him a passionate long kiss,"Alright imma head to my room" Bakugo said as he kissed his head and headed to his room,'omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg'Izuku thought to himself as he laid on his bed and went to sleep.
To be continued
I hope y'all liked this chapter and have a great day and stay blessed
1244 words

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