Chapter 18

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Izuku POV

I woke up to a massive headache, ' Ugh what happened last night' I said to myself as I sat up from the bed and looked around, 'This isn't my room...' I said as I looked to my left and saw someone covered up in the sheets, 'What the hell- did I really cheat on Kacchan with someone else' I said as I slowly lifted up to see who the mystery person was, To my conclusion it was actually kacchan I then sighed as I led back down, ' Wait was that clothes on the floor' I thought to myself as I sat up once again to see. And it actually was I then looked under the sheets to see if I had any clothes on and obviously I found out I didn't, 'OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGWHYAMINAKEDANDWHYISKACCHANNAKEDDIDMEANDHIMOMGOMGOMG-' My thoughts were then cut off by someone pulling me which was kacchan I looked at him as he was innocently sleeping I then pushed his arm from around me and pick up the clothes from the floor, 'We must really had fun last night because my ass hurts and my legs and since when kacchan had a stripper pole in his room?'I asked myself as I fully gotten all of the clothes up and put them in the laundry basket. I then walked to the bathroom to freshen myself up.After I got finished I then walked back to the bed and sat down I picked up a pen and paper and wrote kacchan an note before I went to the store to get some ingredients to cook something.





Katsuki POV

I then woke up to having a shitty ass headache I sat up and looked around the room to see the clothes in the laundry basket, 'When did I put them there?' I thought to myself as I got up from the bed to realize I didn't have any clothes on, ' When did I take my clothes off? Ugh I can't think for shit' I said as I went to the bathroom to get in the shower. After I got out of the shower I then walked out of the bathroom to see a letter on my night stand, ' Wait I just realized why am I in my stripper room?' I asked myself I had so many questions but I couldn't think right or even remember anything I picked up the letter to it stating, "Hey Kacchan I went to the store to get some ingredients for me to cook, and if you are thinking how did I leave this note well I woke in yo room this morning. Love Izuku" ' Welp that answered a whole lot' I said as I walked to my closet to get changed. After I got finished changing I then left the room and walked to the living room and sat on the couch to watched a little bit of tv before Deku comes back, While I was strolling threw my phone I then heard a key wiggling in the key hole when the door began to open I then saw Deku walking in with bags in his hands, " Hey bunny" I said as I got up and took the bags out of his hands, " Hey Kacchan" He said back before grabbing pots and pans from the cabinets.





No One POV

Izuku then walked back to the counter, " Kacchan can hand me the bowls " Izuku asked, " Yeah sure, what are we making" Katsuki ask, "We are making some Korean food because why not" Izuku said, " So you telling me we is going to make unknown food that we haven't tried which korean food?" " Omg kacchan I have a great idea!." " Whats yo idea?" "We can have a cook off!" " I mean why not but who is gonna taste our food?" " We can invite the whole group chat!" "Omg those fucking extra's huh." "Yeah come on we have to clean up because You know Kirishima and Todoroki are gonna be here"  " Yeah I forgot we are still dating them to be honest" " Yeah but lets hurry lock the stripper room that I found out today" " Okay get to finding foods we should cook alright" " Yeah but don't you think we just go in the group chat and say "Hey guys me and bakugou are doing a bake off at bakugou's room come over" don't that sound weird" " Yeah you is right so let's just ask Mina and Momo to acted like they came up with the idea and we will go along with it" "See Kacchan I knew you was smart" "Mhmm-" "Okay I will text them and tell them the plan" " Aight"

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