Chapter 14

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Two Months Laterrrrrrrrr~

Izuku POV

It has been two months since me and kacchan has started college and it has been pretty fun i guess and it has been three months since we started dating, i actually had made a new friend named Ruyoi he is a great friend but i can tell kacchan sometimes get Upset when i'm around him but either way, He is supposed to be coming to my Apartment today and hang out but kacchan said he was coming over aswell this is going to be something.




No one POV

Izuku then hear a knock at the door ¨ coming!¨ Izuku said as he got off the couch to open the door when he open the door he saw Ruyoi , ¨ Hey Ruyoi!¨ Izuku said as he hugged him and then drag him to the couch,¨Woah Woah why are you so happy for?¨ Ruyoi said as he sat up, "Oh i am happy because i want you meet someone¨ Izuku said as he sat up also,'Omg he so cute' Ruyoi said to himself as looked at Izuku. Then they heard a knock at the door,¨ Coming!¨ izuku said as he skipped to the door and opened the door,¨ Hey Kacchan¨Izuku said as he hugged katsuki,¨ Hey nerd¨ Katsuki said as someone caught his eye in the background,¨ Ugh this extra¨ Katsuki said under his breath,¨Come on kacchan give him a chance¨ Izuku whispered into his ear, ¨ Fine nerd¨ Bakugo said as he pulled away from the hug and grabbed his hand walked to the couch, As he sat on the couch he then pulled Izuku on his lap,¨H-Huh?!¨ Izuku said as he face turned redder than Kirishima's hair (-smh-),¨ Uhh- are y'all a couple or something like-¨ Ruyoi said as he was cut of by Katsuki,¨Yeah we are so what extra¨Katsuki said he looked at him,¨I mean why did he choose you tho hothead¨ Ruyoi said under his breath," What you say extra!!¨Bakugo said as he put Izuku on the couch and walked up to Ruyoi,¨ I said WHY DID HE CHOOSE YOU HOTHEAD¨ Ruyoi said as he stand up also,¨Stop you two!¨ Izuku said as he got the middle of the two,¨KATSUKI GO TO MY ROOM NOW¨ Izuku said ,¨Tch-Bitch¨ Katsuki said as he walked to Izuku's room,¨AND RUYOI HE IS MY BOYFRIEND YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THINGS LIKE THAT¨ Izuku yelled,¨ IZUKU YOU DESERVE MORE, YOU DON'T NEED HIM LOOK AT HOW HE TREAT YOU!¨Ruyoi yelled back, ¨ HE TREATS ME WELL ACTUALLY SO DON'T TELL ME WHO I DON'T NEED¨ Izuku yelled as he pushed him,¨NOW GET OUT!!¨ Izuku yelled,¨Whatever!¨ Ruyoi said as he walked out of the room as well of slamming the door,Izuku then sighed and and walked to his room where he saw katsuki sitting on the bed with tears in his eyes




¨Kacchan what wrong!¨ Izuku said as he walked towards katsuki,¨Am I not good for you?¨ Katsuki said as he looked at him,¨ No no no don't listen to him your are good for me¨Izuku said as he sat on the bed and hugged him,¨ *sniff* *sniff* whatever nerd¨ Katsuki said as he put his head in Izuku's neck,Izuku then giggled ¨now let's take a nap now okay?¨Izuku said as he laid down,¨Yeah¨ Katsuki answered back as he laid back down aswell





¨ EVERYONE GET UP WE ARE GOING TO PLAN A PARTY TODAY ¨ Mina said on the intercom,¨ UGHHH SHUT THE HELL UP ¨ Katsuki said into the intercom,¨ Ooooooo~Bakubabe is that Midoriya intercom that your talking out of AND IT'S COMING FROM HIS ROOM!¨ Mina said on private(-So you know no one can hear her by bakugo and izuku-),¨Ugh yeah yeah whatever¨ Katsuki answer back,¨Anyways let me take this off of private Huns¨ Mina said as she took it off of private,¨ Okay when y'all get done getting dressed meet me in my room please¨ Mina said as she she got off the intercom,¨Hey nerd get up¨ Katsuki said as he got out of the bed,¨ Mmmm¨ Izuku hummed out,¨Come on get up Deku¨ Katsuki said back,¨ Okay okay¨ Izuku said as he sat up on the bed,¨Why did i need to get up for¨ Izuku ask,¨She wanna plan a party or something i don't fucking know just get dressed¨ Katsuki answered,¨Alright¨Izuku said as he got up and took off his shirt,¨So you just gonna get change in front of me Huh~¨Katsuki said as he was staring at him,¨S-stop l-looking!¨Izuku said embarrassed while covering his face,¨Come on deku you was gonna show yo body to me anyways~¨ Katsuki said as he walked to the bathroom,¨K-kacchan!!¨Izuku yelled out in embarrassment,'Heh~' Katsuki thought to himself





After they got done changing

¨Come on let's head to this extra's room deku¨ Katsuki said,¨ Kacchan don't call her an extra¨Izuku said back,¨whatever nerd let's just head out now¨ Katsuki said as he walked out of the room,¨ Don't leave me kacchan!!¨ Izuku said as he as he ran out of the room. While they were walking in the hallways they saw Todoroki and Kirishima walking to Mina room as well,¨Hi babe!¨ Kirishima said as he ran to Bakugo,¨ Hey shitty hair¨ Katsuki said back,¨ Your not gonna give me a kiss or nothing¨ Kirishima said while still hugging him,¨Tch-¨ answer back before giving him a peck on the lips. Bakugo could feel Izuku staring at Kirishima and him and smirked,¨Hey Bae¨ Todoroki said to Izuku as he walked up to him and gave him a kiss,¨Hey Todo¨ Izuku said back,¨ y'all we should head to mina room together¨Kirishima said as he hold Bakugo's hand,¨ Yeah sure¨ Izuku said as he was holding Todoroki's hand as well,¨Alright let's go¨Kirishima said as he started walking. Bakugo then pull out his phone to text Izuku/His Shortie





(-I didn't even know I could have been using emojis on my computer 😭-)


Kacchan❤‍🔥-'You was jealous wasn't you '


Shortie🔥-'And if I was?'


Kacchan❤‍🔥-'But i didn't think you will get jealous'


Shortie🔥-'Oh hush'


Kacchan❤‍🔥-'We have to fucking walk with these idiots'


Shortie🔥-'Lol- i don't wanna walk with to be honest'


Kacchan❤‍🔥-'We here now'






They then walked up to the door and Bakugo then knocked on it,¨ Hey guys!!¨ mina said in excitement, ¨ Mhmm¨ Bakugo said as he walked in, ¨ Hey/Hi Mina/Mina-san!¨ Kiri, Todo, and deku said before walking in as well,¨ Okay I told y'all to come here today because I want to throw a party but we ain't doing here be if someone *Cough* have sex here *Cough* I will cry mentally and physically.¨Mina said while looking at Bakugo and Izuku,¨Oh we can have it at my house and if someone does have *Cough* you know My maids will clean it. ¨Momo said while looking at bakugo and deku also,¨ Okay so can we leave now¨ Bakugo said annoyed, ¨ No we have to plan games and stuff what we gonna wear and-¨ Mina said before she was cut off,¨ Okay Okay shit just get this over with already¨ Bakugo said,¨Okay we gonna play Seven minutes in heaven, Truth or dare,-(-Minutes after talking later-)Spin the bottle and spin the bottle will have nothing to do with kissing its basically ¨Drink or Dare¨ Okay?¨ Mina said,¨Yeah Yeah now can we go now¨ Bakugo while walking to the door,¨Yeah but Everyone wear Different colors you know some, wear your favorite color¨Momo said as she got up,¨Okay bye Everyone/Mina/Momo¨ Everyone said as they walked back to their rooms.










Welp that ' s the end of this chapter i hope yall like this because it took me forever to get finished so thank you for reading and have a great day/night and stay blessed.




1266 words

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