Chapter 19-

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"Rehearsals in five!" The stage hands shout throughout the halls of the backstage area. I inwardly groan as I stand up from the couch where I was napping. "Hey sleeping beauty." Colby says plopping down next to me. "How long was I sleeping?" I asks. A good hour or so." He replies placing his arm behind me.

"That was like the best hour i've had in two weeks." I smile stretching my limbs. His smile fades into a frown ans he narrows his eyebrows. "You haven't been sleeping?" I sigh and look down at my hands. "Not very well." "Nov what if you get-" "i'm not going to get sick again. I'm better." I frown.

"I'm just worried about you." He says. "Hey guys lets get to rehearsals." Ace says coming out of the bathroom. "Did you wash your hands?" I ask. "No Nova I thought it was to overrated." He sarcastically remarks.

I glare at him for a minute before he throws a hamburger at me. "Eat." He orders. I laugh. "What are you my mom?" "Yes now eat while we head to rehearsals." He says pulling me to my feet.

My stomach grumbles and I just now realize just how hungry I am.

By the time we make it to the stage i've finished a hamburger, poptart, french fries, and two bottles of water. "Pig." Garrison smirks. I stick my toungue out at him and enter the stage doors.

"Hey guys." I smile at the brothers. "Hey Nova." Noah smiles sitting down next to me. "What's up? Did you tour the areana yet?" I ask. "Not much and little over twenty minutes ago. I came to see if you wanted to look around with me but you were sleeping." He answers.

"Yeah I was a tid bit tired." I say. "Wait why did you want me to look around with you?"

"I thought you'd like to get away from your band for a few." He answers. "If you're going to lie then you need to learn how." I smirk. He rolls his eyes at me before looking out into the atrium. "So what's up with you and your brothers all having talent?" I ask.

"We are blessed with good genes?" He questions. I laugh at him and stand up looking over at Connor. "He ever figure out it was you. "Nope." I
Smile. "You're horrible." He laughs.

I walk over to Connor and tap his shoulder. He turns around and his eyes go wide. "Secu-" "shh hoe. I'm Nova." I say showing him my band pass. "Did you just call me a hoe?" He smirks. "I did." I confirm.

"Wait why did you act like a crazed fool?" He asks. "Prank one down." I smile. "I also am a very big fan! So the picture was fun!" I smile. "You're adorable." He laughs. "Why Mr. Smith did you just say I was adorable?" I smirk chuckling. "Why yes Mrs.- Uh Nova I did." He says.

I smile sweetly at him before returning to my band. "They aired the song a little over an hour ago and everyone is calling requesting it!" Garrison says the biggest smile on his face. "Oh mu gosh that's great!" I smile hugging him.

"You are quite the song writer. How did you get inspired?" Ace asks. "I'm not telling you." I say. "Butt." He laughs. I smile sweetly at him before walking to the mick and test it.

After running through the set a few times i'm exhausted. We all are currently lying on the floor of the stage taking a break. "You're one song short." The stage hand says. "Excuse me?" I ask shocked.

How can we be one song short when my band has three songs, Shooting fire has three, and Connor has ten songs. "Well You need seventeen songs in a set. The three acts has sixteen." He replies. "I have an idea!" I yell shooting up from my spot smacking Colby in the process.

"Dang girl." Colby laughs rubbing his face. "Oh Colby i'm so sorry!" I say trying to contain my laughter. "No your not." He smirks. "Shut up!" I laugh.

"What's your amazing idea?" Ace asks. "This better be good since I got smacked." Colby says sending me a sly smile. "Why don't we get all the groups together and the final act we do a song all together?" I ask. "That's not a bad idea but we don't have a song." Zach says. "He speaks!" I shout excitedly. "Anyways I have a song i think it would fit with all of our style." I smile.

"We'll give it a try but if it doesn't work then we will have to have a back up plan." Connor says standing up. "If you don't mind i'm going to go take a nap." He adds stretching his limbs.

"Yeah guys i'll see you later." I say walking towards the backstage. I hear running and turn around the find Zack. "Hey." He says. "Yes?" I ask. "Can't I walk with the pretty girl to her dressing room?" He smirks. "But you were rude to me at first." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry. I just wasn't feeling good and my brothers dragged me to meet you guys." He says. I roll my eyes at him and laugh. We make it to my dressing room and stop. "Did you write unlove you about your boyfriend after your fight?" He asks. "H-How do you know about that?" I stammer. "Your kinda famous everyone knows." He shrugs.

"If you must know it's kinda about him. I wrote it the next few nights after the party." I sigh. "Are you still together?" He asks. "Yeah..." I reply. "Well kind of I mean we haven't broken up."

"Too bad." He smirks walking off. "Wait." I say. He turns around and looks at me. "Do you wanna stay and you know hang out with the boys and I?" I ask. Real smooth Nova.

"I have to do something." He says. "But next time i'll think about it." I sigh and nob my head as if to say okay. "Bye." I whisper entering my dressing room.

I grab my phone and dial my mothers number it's only been a few hours but I miss Snow and Panda so much. She answers on the fourth ring.

"Hello?" "Hey mommy." I whisper. "Sweetheart what's wrong? What happened?" She asks paniced. "Nothing I just really miss Snow." I sigh. "Man's best friend huh." She says. I almost can imagine her smiling on the other end of the call.

"Yeah. Are you coming to the show tomorrow?" I ask. "Of course sweetie. I wouldn't miss it." She says. "Honey I have to go but i'll call you later okay.?" She says. "Yeah tell Snow I miss her and Panda." I sigh hanging up.

"You and that dog are soul mates." Colby says sitting down next to me. "I don't do much without her. She's my best friend." I say.


I walk up to Nova's house after getting a mysterious call from her mother. I let myself in and Snow prances up to me and licks my hand. "Hey girl." I smile patting her head. "Cole honey is that you?" Mrs. Prescott asks. "Yes ma'am!" I say walking into the kitchen. "Hey honey." She smiles.

"So you have a huge favor from me?" I ask. "I do. I can't make it to the areana today and I REALLY want to take Snow to Nova knowing she misses her." She says. "And that puts me where?" I ask. "I was wondering if you could drive up there with Snow." She says.

"Mrs. P Nova and I are in a rough patch right now and plus that's a five hour drive. I'll get there at six and then i'll have to come back." I say. "Your going to the concert i'll pay for your hotel room and gas." She says.

As much as I want to see Nova and know she's alright I don't know if I can do it this way. I donmy want to let her mom down but am I ready to see Nova?

"Alright." I say giving in. "Thank you so much Cole your an angel." She sighs. "I wouldn't go to as far as Angel." I sigh. She smiles at me and hands me Snow's leash. I sigh and clip it onto her collar leading her to my truck.

"Alright girl. Up you go." I say picking the dog up and slip her into the back seat. As i'm getting into the drivers seat Snow is already up front in the passengers seat. "This is going to be the Longest Ride." I say aloud starting the truck.


So this Chappie is pretty short but the next chapter is more than likely going to start in Cole's Pov and you'll get an insight on the drive with Snow!


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