𝐼'𝓂 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒻𝓊𝓁

919 9 6

Genre: Fluff

Gender: female/afab


Yooo first female one 😈, I wanna mention if your character is gonna be a human, you can pick out
What clothes you want but for now, I'm just gonna choose the clothes change it if you want, just gonna go with like baggy jeans, a pink sweater, and a black (favorite band/artist) T-shirt// if your character is gonna be somethin else then don't worry about this// words:768

___________________________________________________________________________________Yooo first female one 😈, I wanna mention if your character is gonna be a human, you can pick outWhat clothes you want but for now, I'm just gonna choose the clothe...

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I slowly wake up with the greyish sky greeting me, sitting up, then looking at Charmy. "Oh hi Y/N." Charmy said blankly, reading her booklet. "Hi Charmy, any plans today?" I ask, Charmy shrugged, "Yoshka said just only the elimination for today, he said it's gonna start as soon as Kratcy gets here." I nodded at the information. Charmy slides a booklet to me, "Your boyfriend and his team isn't here, so I thought to just give you one of my booklets to distract yourself." Charmy said, smiling. "Thank you Charmy." I say softly, Charmy has been my best friend along with Yigroish Bottle, she doesn't mind that I'm Kurasan's girlfriend.

    "Thank you for the booklet Charmy

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"Thank you for the booklet Charmy. Have you noticed Band hasn't been here for a while.." I say, kinda worryingly, Charmy looks around then spots something, "Look what your idiot boyfriend and his team has." She says, annoyed, pointing at the location. I look where she points, seeing a dream catcher flying to the location where we are at, with the team hanging on to them.

    "Guys, Welcome!! This is Dreamcatcher!" Says Rubbery, very excited, "Wow, what else can you manage to do?" Charmy asks, interested.
"OOOH!! THERE ARE SO MANY OF YOU!! IM SO HAPPY!!" Dreamcatcher happily shouts, "I hope Kratcy will let you join CFMOT." Putty says, "Mm? CFMOT?" Asks Dreamcater, confused, "If he lets this newbie join Band, I WILL SPIT IN KATCYS FACE BECAUSE THATS UNFAIR!" Shouts Charmy, then an awkward moment kicks in. I slowly start walking away, rereading the booklet Charmy gave me to get out of the awkwardness.

 I slowly start walking away, rereading the booklet Charmy gave me to get out of the awkwardness

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"Y/NNN!" I look toward the person who screamed my name, and noticed it was Knify. "Eh? Knify what's wrong?" I ask. "ITS LIGHTBLUB, SHES.. IN PAIN!" I quickly noticed Knify's panic, so I tried to be calm and resolve the situation. "Okay, After the elimination, we can go to Yoshka and tell him what happened, for now let's bring her to the team and try to stay strong for her there." I say trying to calm him down, which does a bit, he nods, carrying Lightbulb, whimpering due to his arms being tired and wanting to let go of the weight of lightbulb, but yet he still stayed strong.


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    "Oh... well I can't fix her tumor, for now all I can do is just let her out of the next challenge until she recovers, I'll try my best to research and find what I can to help!" Said Yoshka, trying his best to help out, we all nod and wished for the best. "Y/n...." I turn around to see Nansensu, "Oh hi Nansensu! What's up?" I say, excited to see Nansensu, "Would you like to hear the good news or bad news?..." asks Nansensu, I reply with bad news to just get it over with.

"Okay... Well Kurasan got eliminated, but the good news is Kratcy wanted to be nice so he let Kurasan be with you, but he won't participate in challenges and will be by your side as always," says Nansensu, "if he try's to participate in the challenges, or try's to be in his 'team' Kratcy will turn him into an object and take him...." I nod at the information, thankful that Kratcy spared Kurasan, instead of the others.

    "Thank you Nansensu, for this information!" I say, Nansensu invisibility nods and goes away.

    "And you promise to not try to get in the challenges?" I say, glaring at Kurasan threatening, he nods eagerly, "yesss

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    "And you promise to not try to get in the challenges?" I say, glaring at Kurasan threatening, he nods eagerly, "yesss... wanna hear something?" He asks, I nod. "I never believed in love at first sight, but that was before I saw you..." he says the most cheesy pickup line ever, I giggle, "tell me more cheesy lines." I say, finding them cute yet funny because how dumb they were. "Alright, alright, You know what you would look really beautiful in? My arms." He said, I keep cracking a smile, making him smile, as he keeps going, laughter fills the air.

" He said, I keep cracking a smile, making him smile, as he keeps going, laughter fills the air

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" If you were a vegetable, you'd be a 'cute-cumber.'"

"oh shut up, let's sleep, I'm tired already..."

"alrighty, goodnight darling."

"goodnight, cheesy lover boy."

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