Lets go out for a picnic!

404 3 2

Genre: fluff

Gender: gender neutral reader

Requested: @Bedrockchairbox


AAAA! omg, sorry for the long while!

I got sick, school, and issues! Please do forgive me for not uploading in such a while!



May 7th, 2009 10:40 AM

I sigh and tense my body. My joints start to pop, breaking the silence. I rise from my bed, which was (your choice of color). It was the only thing that came out of my room. Except for all of my possessions, nothing else was noticeable in my room. I walk inside my kitchen after opening my door. I'm preparing breakfast.

I set my bowl or dish down on the table and ate in silence. I'm savoring every single morsel of my meal. I decide to text Cuppy after getting my phone out. - Would you like to organize a picnic earlier today, perhaps at 3:50? It was a pleasant, sunny day outside. The sun wasn't particularly scorching, and the wind was calm. creating the ideal day today.

After texting Cuppy about my plans for today with her, my phone starts to ping. -Oh! I'll meet you soon; it seems like a wonderful idea. As was predicted, it came from Cuppy. The text was around 11:20. She texted back to me a little earlier than I had anticipated.

I yawned, putting my bowl or dish down in the sink. Another dirty object is filling up the sink pile... I'll clean it when I get back from my picnic. I start to grab a basket, putting some fresh fruit in a container.

Sandwiches in a bag, a small watermelon that I was gifted from my garden friend, and some cold drinks me and Cuppy could share I went to grab a fluffy, large blanket from my closet in the laundry room. Neatly folding it, and now placing it on top of the basket.

I had some time to unwind before leaving for the picnic with Cuppy. Making me leave the basket on the kitchen counter while I entered my living room, sat down, and slept. as my dog, cat, or other (or if you don't want pets, disregard this phrase) joined me for a snooze.

May 7, 2009 2:53 PM

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May 7, 2009 2:53 PM

I awoke to the sound of a neighbor mowing their grass. I stretched my body as I yawned. I pulled my phone from my pocket and checked the time. 2:54 PM. I couldn't believe time was moving so slowly—or so I thought. It was 3:23 PM when I changed into my clothes and completed my tasks. I think time passed by so quickly.

I took my basket and opened my front door. I climbed inside my vehicle. I checked to see if my neighbor was still mowing their lawn. I saw nothing but short grass blowing in the breeze. I shrugged, placing my basket in the passenger seat as I drove out of the driveway in reverse.

My car's smell made everything in it seem so cozy. The favorite aroma stayed within me, giving me the impression that today was going to be a fantastic day. My automobile was parked on the street. The picnic place I chose was deserted, and no one knew about it but me. This used to be a restricted area, but it is no more. People used to declare their love for a particular someone here.

"Y/n! I did it! Oh my goodness, this place is incredible. How did you come across it?" Cuppy asks as she rushes over to me. She glanced around in astonishment, noticing how the brilliant sun had hit the perfect area for this momentous event. I turn to face her, delighted at how much she adores this spot. "My parents used to tell me everything about this place, allowing me to play here all day when I was younger." In a calm, soothing tone, I respond.

Cuppy sits down on the lush grass and nods in answer to my statement. I set down the basket that I had taken from my car. I took out the red and white checkered blanket and gently folded it on the ground. Cuppy sighs and takes a seat on the blanket when I've finished. We ate joyfully, telling stories about what had been going on in our lives. Insufficient time has passed to fully appreciate a single moment.

 Insufficient time has passed to fully appreciate a single moment

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May 7, 2009 7:54 PM

"Ah, it's getting late." Cuppy observes the sunset, the orange sky fading into the gloomy black sky. I take a peek at what she's looking at. I suppose it was getting late. "Oh, well, I did enjoy our time together!" I attempt to brighten the mood with my words. Cuppy nods, clearly enjoying her time with me. I was going to say anything when I was interrupted by someone pushing their lips against mine.

Cuppy was the one who made my cheeks flush. Obviously. She breaks off the kiss and smiles at me. She swiftly walked away, her cheeks flushed from what she had done. As love slammed through me, I sat there, astonished.

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