Pahast Memories

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"Grian! There's another caller for you." Pearl called out, leaning into the doorframe as another suitor in a crisply pressed suit walked into the greenroom.

Grian forced a smile and stood from his seat, doing a polite curtsy before inviting the slightly nervous suitor to take a seat next to him. This had been his life for the past week. Ever since 'The Incident' his home has been flooded with suitors all hoping to introduce themselves and bring him silly gifts to get in his good graces. This was the part of the marriage market Grian hated. The courting. He hated the fake smiles and awkward handshakes he received as people he was only partially familiar with suddenly took an interest in him for his looks or sizable dowry.

"It's very nice to meet you. My name is Martyn," said the young man, "We've met once before a long time ago but I figured I'd reintroduce myself."

Grian smiled politely, the blonde certainly looked familiar in his pale green suit. Grian thought for a few moments before a faint memory crossed his mind and he asked, "Did we meet at the Evolution Ball by any chance?"

Grian thought back to the distant memory of the one and only Evolution Ball. Such an occasion was only held when the king and queen were with child. It was a celebration of their next of kin, or rather their evolution. But Grian wasn't all that interested in the specifics. He remembered being about nine or ten years old at the celebration. It was the first major social event he had been forced to attend and as the first born of a most prestigious family it made him a popular topic of conversation. This was probably the catalyst for Grian's hatred for large social events. Too many people; too many watchers. Although he could hear his name being whispered in the mouths of strangers he was never spoken to. He had never felt so claustrophobic and lonely at the same time even with his mother close by. Grian found himself wandering the outskirts of the courtyard, waiting for the night to be over before hearing a slight whisper in a bush nearby.

"Psst, hey you!" a voice said through the brush. It sounded young, maybe like another child.

Grian found himself wandering closer before a young boy, maybe 12 or so, popped up from the bushes. Although he was dressed well, in a simple pale green dress shirt and blue slacks, Grian couldn't help but smirk at the addition of scratches, leaves, and twigs that had planted their way into the boy's hair and clothing. His blue tie tied tight around his forehead like a billowing headband.

"You're that Grain kid everyone's talking about right?" the boy asked, dusting himself off and climbing out of the bushes to meet his gaze.

"It's Grian actually," Grian corrected, reaching out a hand to help him out of the brush, " It seems like all the watchers know me, but I don't know them."

"The watchers huh. You mean the people at the party? Yea they are kinda weird." The boy said, turning to rustle around in the bush he had escaped only moments ago. He pulled out a small wooden sword and turned back to Grian, extending a hand in invitation before continuing, "My name is Martyn by the way, do you want to come play with my friends and I?"

It only took a single glance back at the stuffy ballroom for Grian to take the offer. The Evolution Ball was held at one of the Royals countryside estates which meant all guests had to travel a good way to get there and spend a few nights at the estate. This also meant that the handful of children in attendance banded together to make the most of their boring vacation. They laughed, cried, and wrote their own stories together in an act to keep one another entertained. They played games, got into trouble, and got close in the way only kids were able to do in a short amount of time. Grian adored it. It was an escape from all the serious and properness of his day to day life being the eldest child in his household. He found himself wishing it would never end until a few days into the trip.

Word had gotten to Grian's mother that his father and sister had fallen ill with a terrible cold and it wasn't looking good for them. Grian was forced to leave with his Mother in a rush and had missed out on a chance to say goodbye to his newfound friends. He had wondered if he'd ever see them again but was quickly brought to reality when his father passed the same afternoon they had arrived home.

"Grian? Are you alright?" Martyn said, snapping Grian back out of his thoughts as he placed a hand over Grian's shaking fingers.

"Yes! Um yes I'm quite alright," Grian chuckled nervously, pulling his hands back slightly and adjusting the skirt of his dress, "Just lost in thought for a moment. But I'm happy to see you! I know I left the ball really quick but there was this problem at home and I-"

"You don't need to explain yourself to me, Grian." Martyn said sternly before reaching a hand back behind his neck and continuing, "We were all young, plus I heard about what happened and I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you. We all are. But remember, we were all kids who had no way to contact one another back then."

Grian felt his face warm up a bit as Martyn continued, "Even after all this time though, I'd still like to get to know you better. We only had Evo after all and-"

Martyn was cut off as Pearl ran into the room shouting, "Grian, Grian, Grian, look what just got delivered for you!"

Grian stood suddenly rubbing his face nervously as he recovered from the surprise, "Don't scare me like that Pearl! What could possibly be that interesting for you to barge during a... during a..."

Grian froze at the sight of the bouquet that was brought into the room. It was extravagant to say the least with a mix of deep red roses, beautiful black ivy and various red and black flowers and plants. Grian stepped closer before noticing the little note tied on a roses' stem He grabbed it gently before flipping it open to read it.

"Hope these will bring a bit of color to place, or rather draw it in. Watch out for the wither rose." - Tango Tek

Grian gulped as he took a closer look and the bouquet and sure enough, blending perfectly into the crowded floral arrangement was a single wither rose. Before Grian could read out and grab it, he heard a small cough from behind him and turned to see Martyn standing up from his seat.

"Oh Martyn! I'm sorry I wasn't expecting any kind of delivery today." Grian rushed, stepping back towards Martyn awkwardly after his exciting distraction.

Martyn smiled politely before taking one of Grian's hands in his, "Don't worry about that, but I must be going now anyway. Plus I wouldn't want to keep you for too long considering the line of callers waiting to meet you." he said with a wink before leaning down to plant a small kiss on Grian's hand.

Grian felt himself blush as he watched Martyn walk toward the door. Martyn paused briefly and said softly before exiting, "Send me a letter if you'd like to catch up a bit more. It would be aha-shame if we didn't catch up after all this time."

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