Chapter 1

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Bakugou was doing his work, but couldn't concentrate. He felt like someone was looking at him. He glances to the side and sees Uraraka staring him down.

Hahhh? Whys she lookin at me like that? Tryna pick a fight?

He gives her a dirty look, but shes still staring at him. Whats her deal?

Bakugou turns around and does his work again. She's weird. He thought.

Class was over and Bakugou was walking with Kirishima. As they were walking Uraraka was hiding behind a wall.

Has this girl gone nuts?

Bakugou was going to ignore her, but Kirishima wanted to say hi.

"Hey Uraraka!" Kirishima says. Uraraka turned around so fast and had a crooked smile.

"Hey Kirishima! Oh and Bakugou!"

Bakugou was even more confused. Wasn't she just staring him down in class? Now shes acting all nice.

"What were you looking at?" Kirishima asks looking at where she was looking at. Urarakas face turned a light shade of pink.

"I-It was nothing!"

Bakugou huffed and grabbed Kirishimas shirt to drag him.

"Cmon lets leave this weirdo."

"Bye Uraraka!!" Kirishima says frantically. Uraraka waved bye back.

It was the next day and the same weird things were happening in class. Uraraka was staring him down again. This was irritating the hell out of Bakugou. What did she want? Maybe she wants a rematch between them. If a fight was what she wanted, a fight is what she was gonna get. He ripped out a piece of paper and wrote a note on it. Hopefully this would make the staring stop.

"Oi, Soy sauce face. Tell Kirishima to pass this to Roundface." Bakugou whispered.

"To who? And it's Sero, man."

"ROUNDFACE." Bakugou whisper yelled, pointing at Uraraka.

"Ohhhh!" Sero nodded and turned to Kirishima.

"Kiri, pass this to Uraraka for Bakugou."

"To Uraraka? Okay!" Kirishima took the note and turned to Iida.

"Iida my man! Can you pass this to Uraraka?"

"Passing notes is prohibited during class time!" Iida replied putting his pencil down.

"Please!! It's important!"

"Hmm.. I suppose. This is the only time I will allow it though!" Iida passed the note to Uraraka.

Kirishima sighed of relief and gave Bakugou a thumbs up.

Uraraka uncrumpled the note and it read

"meet me behind the school after class"-Bakugou

Uraraka tilted her head at Bakugou and Bakugou grunted. What does Bakugou want?

It was after school and Uraraka was anxious. What did Bakugou want? They aren't really close and dont talk often. As she finally reached the corner of the back of the school, Bakugou was there waiting.

"Bakugou! Whats up?"

"Finally. Took you long enough."

There was an awkward silence in the air. No one said or did anything.

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