Chapter 6

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Today is the day! Uraraka thought excitedly. It was Friday, which meant it was her and Dekus date! Well not really a date, but thats what it feels like. It was after classes and Uraraka was totally freaking out. She had her skirt that she bought with bakugou, a matching pink shirt, and some sandals. It didn't look very trendy or anything, but it at least looked good to Uraraka! She had planned to curl her hair as well. She had asked to borrow a curling iron from Mina and some light makeup as well. Uraraka decided maybe she could call Bakugou. But, what if he was busy? Lately she's been starting to feel a bit guilty asking him for help. It was also illogical for why she was need his help specifically too. She reluctantly picked up her phone, but put it down as soon as she saw the time.

"Gahh!! What time did he want to meet again? Five, was it? Why am I always late?"

Uraraka put her outfit on and struggled to curl her hair. She got a few curls in though. Then she put on some pink lipgloss with some light blush.

"I look great!" Uraraka leaves her room when all of a sudden she bumps into Bakugou. Her face left a print of her makeup on his shirt.

"Im so sorry Bakugou!! I gotta go though! I'm gonna be late!" She dashes off leaving Bakugou standing in the hall.

"Hahh? late for what? And wait, MY FUCKING SHIRT!!"

Uraraka ran to the entrance and there Deku was waiting patiently. She looked at him and thought, Wow he looks great.. She started to fix her outfit, reapply her makeup then step outside the door.

"Hey Deku! I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.."

"It's fine!! I actually just got here not too long ago."

Uraraka smiled and they started to make their way to the bus stop. This exact same thing happened with her and Bakugou that one time, except he got mad when she was late. Uraraka laughed at her thoughts andDeku tilted his head. When they got to the bus stop Deku looked like he wanted to say something.

"Deku? Whats up?" Uraraka looked at him.

"Ah- It's just.. you look v-very pretty! I like the skirt you're wearing!" Deku said, trying to fight the blush that was arising on his cheeks. Uraraka tugged on her skirt and smiled a big toothy smile.

"Thank you so much!!"

The bus came as soon as she answered and the two payed and got on. Surprisingly, it wasn't as crowded as the last time she was on with Bakugou. The two got their own seats next to each other and just talked about lectures, what they're gonna get at the icecream place, etcetera ectetera. It was nice and comfortable.

They stopped talking which led Uraraka to think for a second. What was she do nervous about? Trying to impress Deku and such. They were friends! Deku isn't the sort of person to care about such things. What was Uraraka doing all this for then? This wasn't any different from the other times they hung out each other. She started to think even further. What was the difference between her platonic feelings for Deku and her romantic feelings. What is the difference between the two in general? Uraraka shook her head. No. she has to like him. He's nice and  he makes her chest flutter. If she didn't like him why would she react that way?

Uraraka was staring at the window when all of a sudden she saw Dekus hands wave in front of her.

"Uraraka, were at our stop!"

"Oh!" Uraraka got up and they started to walk to the park where the ice cream place was. The walk was super comfortable. The sun was going to set soon and the sky was a nice orangey color. It was a great atmosphere.

They got to the place and the line wasn't so bad. As they were waiting someone was tugging on Urarakas skirt. She quickly turned around and what do you know, it was Toshiro from the mall!

"Toshiro! What are you doing here? Don't tell me you're lost again..." Deku looks down and sees the child.

"Who's this?" Deku gave him a smile.

"This is Toshiro! While I was at the mall I ran into this little guy and he was lost!"

"Mhm! Her and big brother helped me find mommy!"

"Big brother?" Deku questioned. Uraraka nodded then did a double take. Deku wasn't supposed to know about her and Bakugou being at the mall. Scratch that nobody was supposed to know. Hurry think of a lie!

"Uhh I was with-"

"Mr. Spiky!" Deku laughed and was even more confused.

"His imaginary friend! Mr. Spiky!"

"Imaginary? But he-"

Uraraka  covered his mouth and smiled at Deku.

"Haha! Kids these days right?" Toshiro licked her hand and she grabbed her hand. "Eugh!!! You brat!" Toshiro stuck his tongue out and she did it back. Deku snorted and tried to hold back his laugh, but couldn't. Uraraka glared at him.

"Im sorry!! Haha! I didn't know you could get so.. feisty?" He started to laugh more.

"Huh? Is that bad??" Uraraka stopped glaring and looked sad.

"No No!! Its not a bad thing! I think its a great thing! It gives you a certain charm." He said smiling.

Charm? Uraraka smiled and and thanked him. It was there turn in line to order, but Uraraka realized she didnt have any money. Seriously not enough to buy ice cream? She thought to her self. She was too embarrassed to say anything. Deku probably noticed and offered to buy.

"—And a vanilla ice cream please!"

"Deku you didn't have to.."

"I invited you out to begin with. I should be buying regardless!" Deku smiled at her.

"Hey! What about me?" Toshiro popped in between them.

"Where's your mom ask her! Hmph especially after you licked me." Uraraka licked her ice cream in front of his face. Toshiro huffed and stomped over to his mom. Uraraka and Deku looked at each other and started to laugh.

The sun was set at this point and they were waiting for their bus. Uraraka told herself to not fall asleep. Definitely didn't want to get in trouble like last time.

Uraraka looked at the night sky. The stars were twinkling so brightly.

"Hey Uraraka," Deku said. "Im glad we're friends." He said while gently smiling.

Urarakas cheeks turned pink. "I'm glad too Deku!"

Their bus came and they got on. Today was a great day. She was going to tell everyone about it tomorrow at the girls sleepover.

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