Chapter 8

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It was the next day when Aizawa announced that they had to work in groups that day. He gave each group a math problem that was incomplete and they had to figure out what was missing. Unfortunately for Bakugou, he got paired with Uraraka and Shitty-Fucking-Deku. They pushed their desks together to face each other.

"Hmmm this problem seems complicated." Deku says.

Uraraka nods. "Yeah! I can't seem to figure out what goes in the empty parts of the equation." The two look down then at Bakugou.

"Kacchan do you know?" Deku asked.

"Fucking no." Bakugou answered. He was frustrated today, but didn't know why.

"You've got to at least try." Deku pushed.

"Maybe take your own advice. You looked at the problem once and you're asking for help. Pfft, pathetic."

A vain popped on Dekus forehead. "You don't know how to this either!"

"Oh yeah?" Bakugou looked up, trying to look more intimidating.

Uraraka looked at these idiots and rolled her eyes. Are these idiots serious?

"Look, Bakugou he was only trying to help. We should all at least try again."

Tsk. "Of course you'd defend him." Bakugou rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"What? What is that supposed to mean??" Uraraka asked.

"Ohh nothing.. Just of course you'd want to save your "prince charming" from the big bad "explosive" Bakugou." Bakugou mocked.

"So you DID eavesdrop on us!" Uraraka pointed at him. Deku was visibly confused, but didn't ask any questions.

"And what to it? Nothing interesting was heard anyways."

"You know what? They were right. You are EXPLOSIVE, ANNOYING, and I definitely not in a million years would ever like you!" Uraraka slammed her hands on her desk. Everyone looked at their table and then she walked out the class. Aizawa was about to say something, but then Tsuyu asked to go check up on her.

"Uh-" Deku started.

"Don't fuckin ask." Bakugo answered, very annoyed.

I fucked up didn't I? Bakugou thought to himself.

Uraraka went to the girls bathrooms and her face was totally red. She knew how Bakugou was, but she at least thought on some level they were friends. Tsuyu shortly came in the bathroom and came towards her.

"Are you okay?" Tsuyu asked.

"Yeah! Just a bit annoyed thats it!" She let out a big sigh and Tsu hugged her.

"Tsu..." Uraraka hugged her back. "You're the best!" Tsuyu blushes and nods. Tsu backed out of the hug and asked, "Do you want to go back to class? You don't want to get in trouble."

Uraraka scratched her neck. "I dont know.. I don't want to work with him OR see his face! I think I'll just stay in here to be honest.."

"Alright, I'll tell Aizawa-San." Tsuyu waved bye and walked out of the restroom.

Back in class there were murmurs everywhere.

"What was that about?"

"What did she mean she wont like him?"

All the whispers were driving Bakugou crazy. He felt many eyes piercing at his back too. He wanted to leave the classroom too.

Suddenly, Tsuyu came back in. Bakugou expected to see Uraraka next to her, but he didn't. Should he text her? No. Why should he? Well, he was acting like a jerk.. No. Hold your ground. Bakugous thoughts were battling whether or not he should apologize. Besides from that, him and Deku finished the problem. The next period was lunch and that was where Bakugou wanted to be at right now. Just at his lunch table not being around all these whispers.

15 minutes passed and class was finally over. The class was dismissed, but Uraraka never came back. Deku and Bakugou were called to stay after class though. Just Bakugous luck.

"I think you two owe Uraraka an apology. Make sure you do before the day ends. I honestly thought you three could get along better." Aizawa said annoyed. Bakugou and Deku both bowed and apologized then left the classroom.

It was at lunch and the Bakusquad were sitting together, even Mina. She definitely gave Bakugou an earful.

"You better apologize to her! Or I'll make you!" Mina says, aggressively biting into her sandwich.

"Ugh why is everyone getting on my case about that. I bet she was just having a hissy fit and needed a breather." Bakugou took a sip of milk. Ever since Uraraka started buying it for him for helping her, it sort of became a habit to get it now. Bakugou looked at the carton and started to think about the time she first bought it for him.

"Ah- its milk! Yknow, it helps you become stronger.
And if you're gonna become the number 1 hero you're gonna need to be strong right?!" Past Uraraka said. Bakugou felt a heat rising from his neck to his cheeks. Ugh maybe he did start to feel bad. He glanced behind him where her table was and there she was laughing.

Bakugou stood up.

"Where are you going?" Kirishima asked.

"Bathroom." Bakugou got out his phone. He pressed LINE and hesitated as he hovered over Urarakas name. He continued to walk until he reached the milk vending machine near the cafeteria.

Ok Katsuki. Just press the fucking name.

He pressed her name box and pressed the text box.

Uraraka Ochako|

"Come by the milk machine."

Ok. That wasn't hard. Now all I have to do is wait.

Uraraka looked at her phone and saw a message pop up.

"Come by the milk machine"-LINE Bakugou Katsuki


Uraraka didn't answer back, but she got up.

"Ill be back guys!" Uraraka walked out the lunch room and went to the vending machine. There was Bakugou, holding a chocolate milk in his hand. Bakugou looked up and immediately looked anxious. Bakugou? Anxious? Those two things are a oxymoron.

"Ah. Here." Bakugou holds out the milk in his hand.

Uraraka looks at the milk then at Bakugou.

"Whats this for?" Uraraka questioned, but still took the milk.

"For uh, you know."

"For what?"


"Are you saying, you're SORRY?" Uraraka grinned.

"I don't fucking know maybe! Well whatever bye." Bakugou awkwardly walked away, but Uraraka tugged on his shirt. Bakugou stopped walking but didn't turn back around.

"Im sorry for yelling at you like that. You're not explosive and annoying. Well, maybe a little." Uraraka giggled. Bakugou started to walk off again, but she tugged yet again. "BUT, thats what makes you you right? And I like you!"

Bakugous heart stuttered after he heard that. He was glad she couldn't see his face right now. His face was definitely a red hot mess.

"I get it I get it. You always make things so sappy." Bakugou walked off and went back to the lunch room.

Uraraka smiled to herself. He's sort of cute when he's shy.

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