Chapter 4

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Bakugou gets out of bed and goes to his bathroom. It was finally the weekend, but he had promised to help Uraraka go to the mall.

Why did I promise to "play dress up" with her? He pondered. Bakugous been so out of character lately. But if he didn't agree to help Uraraka out in the first place, she'd probably sulk and whine like a child and Bakugou hates people like that.

He put on some shirt with a skull on it and cargo pants. Just something casual. It was pretty early, but he wanted to get this done and over with. He brought out his phone and went on LINE. He glanced at her name. Its weird. Ever since coming to UA he has made... friends? Kirishima, Sero, Mina, and even Denki. That dullfaced Todoroki as well. And now Uraraka. It honestly doesn't feel that bad having these idiots around, he thought to himself again. A blush arising on his cheeks. Such embarrassing thoughts..

He texted her and told him to meet him outside. She replied with a simple thumbs up emoji and he put his phone in his pocket. He has no idea how this day will play out, but hopefully it's not too troublesome.

Uraraka had been running a bit late. Bakugou was waiting for at least 10 minutes. That girl.... He clicks his teeth and starts tapping his foot. Not too long after Uraraka comes bursting out the doors.

"Bakugou! *wheeze* Im sorry for being- *wheeze* late!"

"Hm. This is the second fucking time. Whats the excuse this time?" He glances at her. Her hair has strands sticking up, as usual, her outfit was at least decent though.

"I was with Tsu! I had to make an excuse to where I was going."

The two started walking. After awhile, they finally made it to a bus stop. They sit down and its pretty quiet.


Uraraka looks at Bakugou and tilts her head.

"Y'know, why dontcha just tell frog girl you like ShittyDeku. I'm not fit for this type of shit and you know that." He crosses his arms and looks at her directly. A faint smile grows on her face.

"I dunno. Tsuyu is a wonderful friend! It's just, sometimes she gets carried away with wanting to help. I would feel a bit overwhelmed you know? Its sort of like that with all my girl friends." She starts to twiddle with her fingers.

"And as to why I want you here to do this with me? I have no idea! I mean, at first I wanted your help because you seem to know Deku best, but I guess now.. I just like your company?"

"HAH! My company?"

"Yes! Your company. Whats funny about that?"

"You're really off your rocker. Who knew a girl like you actually wanted to spend time with someone like me. But on the other hand, who wouldn't!"

Uraraka rolls her eyes. There goes his big ego again..

The bus finally arrived and they boarded it.

Not gonna lie it smelled like onions and booze. There were so many people on the bus its insane. Uraraka looked visibly uncomfortable. Bakugou was too. Suddenly the bus hit a bump and everyone bumped into each other. Uraraka's face was buried into Bakugous chest and he squeezed the pole he was holding on to. His heart started to beat rapidly.

This is way too close for fucking comfort. Could she feel my heart right now?

The bus finally stopped and people came off. Bakugou sighed of relief and pushed Uraraka off of him gently.

"Sorry!" Uraraka took a seat sense a few were free now.  Bakugou didn't know why, maybe because it was hot as hell on that bus, but his cheeks were heating up. He immediately looked the other way so his face could be hidden.

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