Chapter 13

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Summer vacation started a week ago and Ochako decided to go back home. She wanted to help out around the house and repay her parents for giving her money for her skirt and a smartphone. Totally not because she embarrassed herself in front of Bakugou and everyone else around her. Ochako shook her head and continued looking for groceries that her and her mom were looking for. Suddenly, she heard a loud noise outside. She looked outside the doors and it was pouring raining. "Aghh" Ochakos mom groaned. They had walked to the store. If they walk out now they'd get completely soaked. Ochako frowned and continued to look for what they needed. Bread? I think. Ochako went to get some bread when all of a sudden another persons hand touches hers. "Ah- Sorry!" Ochako looked up at the person. She soon wishes she didn't. It was Bakugou!!

"Ah..AHHHHH!" Ochako pushed him and ran to her mom. "Haha mom I dont think there's any bread lets get out of here!!" She grabbed her moms arm and tried dragging her. She wouldn't budge though. "Ochako what's the matter??" Ochako was totally freaking out. She hid behind her mom and she saw Bakugou and someone that looks like a sister? Mother? She's not sure. "Ochako.. get off me we have to go to the checkout line now." Her mom started to push the cart while Ochako whined. They got into the line and Bakugou and whoever the relative was, was next to them. Ochako could feel the side glances Bakugou was giving her. Her mom then payed for the groceries and they finally left the store. Ochako sighed of relief until she remembered it was pouring rain. "Ughh seriously? Mom should we call a taxi?" Her mom shook her head. Ochako already knew the reason why. They don't have enough for it. They've been charging more and more lately. She took off her sweater and gave it to her mom. "Here mom! Can't have you getting sick right?" Her mom hesitantly took the sweater and smiled. She felt guilty though.

"Ah- I can't help but overhear, but it sounds to me you guys don't have a ride?" Ochako turned around and saw Bakugous relative and him behind her. Oh.My.God!!! "Yes! This storm was so unexpected and you know how high those taxi prices are getting," Her mom explained. Ochako looked at Bakugou and he looked at her. A blush arose on her cheeks and she avoided eye contact. That day was a mess. She barely even explained herself and she probably looked like a fool. She zoned out until her mom said, "Come on Ochako this kind lady is letting us ride with her to wait out the storm." Ochako looked dumbfounded. Eh???

During the ride there, Mistuki-san? Was her name? Was having a conversation with her mom the whole time. She was funny. "And who's the young man in the back?" Ochakos mom asked. "That knucklehead? He's my troublesome son. You know, he says he's going to be the number one hero just like Allmight. We'll see about that." Mitsuki laughs leaving Bakugou and her having a fight. Ochakos mom laughed too. "My daughter in the back Ochako, goes to UA too. Hopefully our children will be great hero's together one day." Mitsuki nods and asks, "Ochako-Chan, what's your quirk?" Ochako stopped playing with her hair and answered, "It's Zero Gravity! Basically I can make things and even myself float!" Mitsuki made a sound like Ouuuuu. Bakugou mumbled under his breath, "You made me float too.." Ochako blushed and nudged him on the shoulder. "I said I was sorry!!"

They arrived at Bakugous home and the storm got even worse. Ochako never knew Bakugou lived in such a big house. If was so nice in the inside too. "Katsuki make our guests some tea and show Ochako-Chan to your room. And no funny business!" Mitsuki yelled. Bakugous face exploded red. "What's that sposed to mean you old hag!!" Bakugou put the kettle on and grabbed Ochako by her wrist. He stomped upstairs and pointed to a door. Uraraka blinked and looked at him. "My room." Bakugou says, letting go of her wrist and stomping back downstairs.

Ochako opened the door and was very surprised. The room wasn't as explosive as she thought it be. It was neat and made up. Some posters of rock bands that Uraraka didn't know of. She walked around and looked at his desk. There was a photo of Bakugou and Deku holding some AllMight trading cards. "Aww!" she said aloud as she held the picture.

"Put that down." Bakugou said as he handed out the tea. Ochako jumped and stood stiff. She looked at Bakugou and his eyes looked annoyed. She rolled her eyes and took the cup of tea. "Anything you say your majesty.." She took a sip and felt awkward. Bakugou was just looking at her. "What is it?" Ochako asks, putting down the cup. "Im annoyed with you." Bakugou says simply. Ochako furrowed her brows. "And why are YOU annoyed with me?" She crosses her arms.

"Oh, I dont know, maybe its because you got mad at me for not doing you know what and ignored me for a fucking week." Bakugou crosses his arms now. Ochako blushes. He was right. He should be annoyed with her because of that. "You're right I was wrong for that.." Ochako admitted. Bakugou moves closer. "So..Why were you mad? And explain what you meant by you wanted me know."

Ochako avoided his eyes. Shes unsure if she should even tell him her feelings. But, if she doesn't they wont be friends anymore probably. She wouldn't want to lose him completely. He deserves an explanation at least.

"I like you."

Katsukis eyes widened and a red blush arose on his cheeks. What'd she say?


"I like you, I already said it didn't I??"

"But- what about that nerd??"

"Dont you remember? I told you I like him as a friend."

Katsuki moved closer again. "Say it again."

Uraraka hugged Katsuki. "I like you."

Katsukis heartbeat was definitely racing. He was standing so stiffly. He didn't know what to do. Should he hug her back? Before Katsuki could think again, Uraraka backed out the hug.

"I take that as you like me too?" Uraraka asked as she holds both of her hands. Katsuki covers his mouth and nods a bit. Uraraka smiles. The two looked at each other until Mitsuki interrupted them.

"It stopped raining! Your mother is ready to leave."

"Oh! Ah Okay!" Uraraka rushed downstairs, trying to fight down a blush. Katsuki just looked dumbfounded at what just happened. He and his mom went down stairs after her.

"Thank you again for letting us stay!" Ochakos mom says bowing politely. Mitsuki told her shes being too polite. As they were getting into the car. Katsuki pulled Urarakas arm. She looked back and was instantly greeted with a kiss on the cheek.

"Im sorry for not doin that on that day." Bakugous face was entirely red. Ochako was shocked.

"Ochako get in the car!" Her mom said. Ochako nodded and sat in the car.

"Bye Bakugou.." She smiled brightly.

Authors note:
Thank you for reading!! Honestly I had fun writing this fanfic the most out of my others. This was a rare pair so definitely was harder to write than the others. This chapter was probably very sloppy and I know i have so much more improving to do! Thank you again <3

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