Chapter 10

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Spring exams were over and Class 1-A got the best results in their year. As a reward, they get to go on a class trip.

"Ok settle down, settle down." Aizawa started to say. "For your trip we're going to Waku Waku Skating Plex. Huh, never heard of it."

Bakugous face instantly beamed. Waku Waku Skating Plex was a place his parents used to take him to as a kid. Actually, so did Dekus mom. The two usually skated together and played at the arcade. It was a place where they'd actually get along at. Bakugou looked at Deku and he looked right back. Big smiles grew on their faces.

"Ive heard of it. Its some super popular skating rink with a huge arcade and stuff!" Denki said.

"Mhm! I actually went a few times in middle school. It was totally fun!!" Mina added. The entire class bursted with excitement for their trip. It was tomorrow, so everyone was hyped.

"Alright, Class Dismissed. Make sure you inform your guardians of where you are going tomorrow. We already emailed them, but it's better to tell them yourselves." Aizawa said finally. Everyone started to leave and Bakugou actually went up to Deku.

"Be prepared to be destroyed in Street Fighter, nerd."

"You still cant beat me in Mortal Combat though!" Deku smiled.

"I'm still gonna get revenge." Bakugou huffed and walked away. Tomorrow was going to be fun.

He went to Kirishimas room for the afternoon as usual and they just chilled.

"So that trip tomorrow, you excited?" Kirishima asked casually. 

"Hell yeah. I used to go there with ShittyDeku when we were kids. Im gonna destroy him in the arcade." Bakugou said in a cocky tone. Kirishima laughed. Bakugou looked excited.

"Are you going to skate too?"

"Maybe, i dont fucking know." Bakugou liked to skate, but he was more into the games.

Uraraka on the other hand was not as excited to go on this trip. 1. She doesn't know how to skate. 2. She's not good at video games. What would she even do during the trip? She wouldn't want to ruin the fun for her friends. She huffed and buried her face in her pillow and eventually fell asleep.

It was the next day and Bakugou was in a super good mood. He hadn't even insulted anyone yet. Everyone was waiting outside for their bus. Except, Uraraka wasn't there yet. All the girls were chatty and asking where Uraraka was. Apparently she hadn't been answering their texts either.

Uraraka came bursting out the front doors and ran down the stairs.

"I'm sorry Im late!" Uraraka yelled. As she came down the steps she almost tripped, but grabbed on to the railing. She had serious bed hair and looked like she dressed backwards.

"I *wheeze* overslept!" As usual. He laughed to himself. Uraraka then started talking with the girls and the bus arrived shortly. They boarded the bus and Bakugou sat with Kirishima. Denki and Sero were fighting about who could skate the best and Kirishima tried his best to mediate, but they ended up yelling at him. They're always so noisy.. Bakugou thought to himself. He didn't mind it though.

They arrived at Waku Waku Skateplex and everyone rushed to get their skates. Bakugou tied his laces next to Deku and he said,

"See you in the arcade." Bakugou smiled. Deku nodded and skated off with Iida and Todoroki. He almost tripped until "Glasses" caught him. He still sucks at skating, Bakugou laughed to himself.

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