Chapter 12

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Summer break was right around the corner and Mina was throwing some party in the Heights Alliance area. Sort of like a last hoorah before the break. A few weeks ago Uraraka told Hagakure and Tsuyu that she did like Bakugou and you can only imagine what their reaction was.

"I knew it." Tsuyu had said. "Crap I owe Mina 10 dollars!" Hagakure whined. Uraraka smiled and looked at Bakugous direction. "Do you think he might like me to?" Tsuyu looked at Uraraka and smiled. What was that for?

Flash forward to now and Uraraka is getting ready to go to the party. She put on some shorts and a shirt and grabbed her phone. When she went out of her room, she already heard some quiet music playing with some chatter. Uraraka smiled and hurried her way to the lounge area. She saw Mina painting Kirishimas nails red (cute!) and some of the girls playing video games. She glanced to the side and saw Bakugou challenging Deku to play a hand game. Numbers? Anyways, Uraraka waved at Jirou and she joined the girls with their game.

"Alright!! Y'all know what time it is!!" Mina says  loudly. Denki looked at her with the most "shit eating grin" as Bakugou calls it. "Spin the bottle??" He asks. Mina nods and everyone starts to chatter. Uraraka was VERY nervous. What would she do if she lands on somebody? Would she have to kiss them? Her face lit up. What if she lands on Bakugou? Would they kiss?Ugh she should've dressed better tonight. The only cute clothing she really has is that skirt though. She sighs and joins the circle everybody was forming.

"We all know how to play right?" Mina asks the circle. Everybody nods. Todoroki looked a bit confused, but Deku filled him in very anxiously. Mina got the bottle and began to spin. Uraraka felt like biting her nails and chewing her hair. Agh who was it going to fall on? Uraraka watched the bottle and saw it fall on Kirishima and Sero. The two just laughed. "Shall I grant you a kiss my kind sir?" Sero asked, lifting Kiris hand. "Of course you may." Kirishima laughed as Sero kissed his hand. Everyone started laughing and Mina spun again. Deku got Tsuyu, she kissed his cheek. Then Denki got Jirou, Jirou kissed his hand. His entire body was red. More and more people kissed and it was honestly some good fun. Mina then smirked and looked at the girls. Uraraka tilted her head. What are they up to? Mina made sure to be more precise with the way she spun the bottle and the bottle took off. As it stopped, Uraraka looked down and saw that it was her. "Me??" Uraraka said aloud. When she looked at who the other person was, it was Bakugou! Her face lit up. She looked at Bakugou and he seemed frozen. Is he nervous too?

Bakugou didn't expect he'd get landed on at all in this game. Out of all people, why'd it have to be her? Bakugou saw Uraraka look at his mouth then at him. Why is she lookin at me like that? Suddenly, Bakugou started to feel self conscious. What if my lips are chapped? (Well they are) What if my breath stinks? What if she's only doin this because she feels like she has to or somethin? Also everyones fucking watching!! Bakugou had to find a way to get out of this situation. Everyone around them were chanting "Kiss! Kiss!" repeatedly. Bakugou started to sweat when Uraraka was leaning in. Before she got too close, Bakugou held his hand to her lips.

"F-Fucking no."

Uraraka jerked back and looked pale as a ghost. Everyone went quiet too.

"Ahah, why?" Urarkaa asked, as she did that weird thing with hair. Twirling it and shit.

"Because I dunno." Bakugou tried to think of an excuse fast. The only thing he could think of was the meanest shit he could think of. She wouldn't think much of it though. Hes always mean to her.

"I just wouldn't wanna kiss you." Bakugou shrugs. He totally feels like he killed the vibe or something. He's not good at group things anyways. He's definitely going to leave after this, until he looked at Urarakas face.

"Oh, alright! I wont force you or anything!" Uraraka smiled. The girls looked at her and tried to change the subject.

"Okayyyy how about we play Uno now huh? Uraraka could you get me the cards?" Uraraka silently nodded as she stood up to get the cards from the table. Mina looked angry. First, she turned on some music, then she got up and slapped Bakugou.

"What the fuck??" Bakugou rubbed the cheek that was slapped.

"Apologize. Now. I can't believe you're this dense!"

"Hahh?? Dont forget this "dense" person is helping you with your studies raccoon eyes!!" Bakugou got up and made his way to the table Uraraka was at. What was the big fuss?

"Look, I'm sorry for bein mean, but be for real, Who would want to kiss in front of a fucking crowd??" Bakugou crossed his arms and leaned on the table. Uraraka didn't say anything.

"Uh- Roundface, hello??" Bakugou waved his hand in front of her face and as she turned around, he noticed ta big frown on her face. Hahhhhhh????? "Look I didn't mean to hurt your feelings and shit."

Uraraka didn't say anything back though. What was going on??

"I didn't know you'd take it to heart.." Bakugou admitted as he scratched the back of his neck. He couldn't just say, "Hey i like you, but I know you dont like me, and If you actually knew you probably wouldn't like me back and that would make me feel like shit," that'd be embarrassing. Being mean was sort of a defense mechanism. If they don't know how he feels, he cant get hurt.

"Of course I'd take it to heart!" Uraraka finally said. She furrowed her brows and looked like she was about to explode. "Honestly, I don't know what I was expecting. Why would you want to kiss me? Im a total klutz, I'm rude to you too, and I bump into you all the time. That's not cute at all.." Bakugou looked at her and was seriously confused. Why is she making a big deal out of this. Unless.. Bakugou starts to put two and two together. No. That cant be it. He's just being cocky again. But just to make sure..

"Did you actually want to kiss?" Bakugou blurts out, blushing at his own words. That can't be it though.

"Yeah. I did." Uraraka says looking up at him. Her cheeks were rosy.

"Huh?" Is all that could come out of Bakugous mouth. What did she say?

"I did." Uraraka says, continuing to look straight at him.

Ah, maybe Bakugou is dense.

"What are you saying?? Do you hear yourself?" Bakugou thinks Urarakas going insane or something. Why would she want to kiss Bakugou? The guy whose always yelling and rude and antisocial and all things unattractive??

"And I thought, maybe you would want to too."

I DO but why would YOU??

"Why??" Bakugou asked.

Uraraka rolled her eyes and walked off. "Figure it out yourself!!!" She sat down with the group and brought the uno cards. Bakugou was staring at the wall.

What just happened???

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