Chapter 5

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Kirishima was in class when he saw Bakugou spacing out during class.

Weird. He thought. Bakugou never spaces out especially in class. He turnedd to Sero next to him and asked,

"Don't you think Bakugous acting sort of strange?"

Sero shrugs. "I don't know I haven't noticed anything."

Kirishima nods and looks back at the front. Maybe its just his imagination..

It was lunch time and Uraraka was sitting with her girl friends today. They walked pass Bakugous table and Uraraka waved at him. Bakugou huffed and looked forward again. Kirishimas eyes widen when he sees a slight blush on Bakugous face.

"DUDEEEEE!!!" Kirishima yells.

Bakugou looks at Kirishima with a confused look.

"You- No not here. Come to my room later."

"Ugh why should I?" Bakugou crosses his arms.



Kirishima smiles and eats his food. Kirishima didn't know it could be possible but, does Bakugou like Uraraka? But wait, doesn't Deku like her? This is gonna be a mess.

It was later on and as Kirishima asked, Bakugou came to his room. Kirishima patted a space next to him on his bed for Bakugou to sit.

"You're acting super fucking weird." Bakugou says.

"Do you have anything you need to get off your chest?" Kirishima asks. Not wanting to just flat out say I think you like Uraraka.

"Uhh, what?"

"Anything good happen these past few days?"

"You sound like you're interrogating me or somethin.."  Bakugou narrows his eyes and crosses his arms. "What is it you really want to know?"

Kirishima gives up. "Fine.. WHEN WERE U GONNA TELL ME YOU LIKE URARAKA?"

Bakugou sits still then his eyes widen for a moment. A red spreads on his face.

"SEE!! I knew it!! Look at your face!!"

"DONT FUCK WITH MEE!!" Bakugou slaps his cheeks and gets up to leave.

"Wait!! Bakugou!" Kirishima grabs his hand but Bakugou slaps it.

"I dont like fucking Uraraka, so get that idea outta your huge fucking cranium." Bakugou slams the door and stomps off. Kirishima sighs. Maybe he should have waited until Bakugou told him himself.

The next day Kirishima walked in class and saw Bakugou and Uraraka studying together. Nothing unusual, but the look on Bakugous face looked... happy? Kirishima waved at Bakugou, but it looked like he was still angry and him.

"Hey Bakugou, why didn't you wave at Kirishima?"

"Cause I dont fuckin have to." Bakugou grumbled.

Uraraka rolled her eyes and lifted up Bakugous hand with her hand and waved it.

"Kirishima! Bakugou says hi!" Kirishima looks up and sees the wave. He snickers a little.

"You little- GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MEE!" Bakugou yanks his hand out of her grasp and his face his red.

"You're acting like my hand is so scary!" Uraraka gets up from the seat she was sitting at and goes to hers. Bakugou sighs and rests his chin on his hand. Kirishima looked at him and this made him
more sure that Bakugou liked her. Maybe Bakugou keeps denying it because he isn't sure himself?

It was after class and Bakugou finally decided to
forgive Kirishima. It was annoying seeing him
sulk. Andd maybe Bakugou felt a bit bad about being mean to him. Kirishima and Bakugou were talking when all of a sudden Uraraka and Mina came up to them.

"Here! As thanks for helping me study today." Uraraka holds out a strawberry milk in front of her.

"Are you gonna give me milk every time I help you study?" Bakugou smirks.

"Yeah. Its what you wanted right? You texted me to keep giving you milk!" Uraraka brought out her phone and Kirishima and Mina both looked at each other.

"HAH well you better keep it up!" Bakugou took the milk and started to walk away with Kirishima. Mina looked back at Kirishima and he shrugged.

"Heyy!! Uraraka. When did you and Bakugou get so close?"

Uraraka tilted her head.

"Close? I don't really think so. Wait- are we even friends??"

Mina face palmed. How did she not even know if they were friends or not?

Uraraka got out her phone and texted Bakugou.

Bakugou Katsuki|

"Bakugou! Are we friends????"

Uraraka waited for a reply and a few minutes later he replied.

"No. You're just a fly thats hard to swat away." Bakugou replied, smirking behind the screen.

Uraraka rolled her eyes and stuffed her phone in her pocket.

"So?" Mina questioned.

"Definitely not!"

The two walked to the lunch room to eat. Lately Urarakas been sitting with the girls in her class. Its fun sitting with Deku, Iida, and Todoroki, but it felt refreshing to sit with other girls.

"So ladies! Whats been up with you!! Any boys?? Girls??" Mina winked at Jirou and Momo and they blushed a bright red. It was very obvious the two had some type of thing going on. The ladies were 100% supportive of them!

"N-No! Whats with the sudden topic of romance??" Jirou protested.

"Its just, I have a feeling somethings bubling up with Uraraka and Mr. Explosive lately. I wanted to know if anyone else had anything going on too!" Mina nudged Urarakas arm and Urarakas face turned so many colors.

"What makes you think me and HIM have something going on?"

"I mean- you guys have been hanging around each other lately." Hagakure chimed in. The other girls all nodded in agreement. Uraraka was dumbfounded. Did it really look like that to them?

"This calls for a girls sleepover!!" Mina clapped her hands together excitedly. "This definitely isn't the place to talk about love."

"Ouu sounds like fun!" Momo says smiling.

"This weekend?" Jirou suggested.

"Yesss!!!" Uraraka giggles.

"Alright then!" Mina says looking at all the girls.

At the back of Urarakas mind was the "date" her and Deku were supposed to go on the next day she was free, which was this Friday. She sort of was thinking of telling the girls about everything. Her crush on Deku, and Bakugou helping her out too.

At the table with the "Bakusquad" Kirishima was also thinking of having a guys night.

"A guys night? Dudee that sounds fun!!" Denki says excitedly.

"Count me in!" Sero says.

The boys all look at Bakugou, awaiting for his answer.

"Fine just top staring me down like that." Bakugou finally agrees.

"Yay!!" Denki latches on to Bakugou.

"GET OFF OF ME!!" Bakugou pushes him off making his face hit the ground. The guys made "ouuuu" noises as Denkis face landed. He definitely chipped a tooth or two. 

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