Chapter 2

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It was the next morning and Uraraka woke up super happy! Things were solved with Bakugou, things are looking brighter between Deku and her, and classes aren't as difficult lately. She got up, put her uniform on, and even did her hair a bit more than usual. She walked out her room and made her way to class.

She walked past Bakugous desk and waved hi. Bakugou scowled at her, but didn't seem too unfriendly. She went to her desk and started preparing for class to start. Though as Aizawa was talking, Uraraka started to space out. Then eventually she fell asleep.

Class ended and Uraraka was still sound asleep. Drool running down her face and all. Deku came up to Uraraka and tapped her shoulder.


Uraraka moved her head to the other side.

"Five more minutes mom!"

"Ah- Uraraka you're in school right now. Its Midoriya."

Urarka slowly opened her eyes then jumped up.

"OH! H-Hey!! Sorry about that!" She says while wiping off the drool from her face with her face a bright red.

"Its alright! Come on its lunch time!" Deku says.

"Okay!" Uraraka and Deku then start to walk to the lunchroom. When they got there, someone threw something on the floor. Not noticing, Uraraka trips. Someone caught her by gripping the back of her shirt though.

"Woah! Thanks for catching me Deku-"

"OI! Dont ever call me that nerds name again." Bakugou them puts her down and walks away.

Bakugou? He caught me?

"Kacchan caught you so fast! I couldn't even tell you tripped just now!"

If he didn't catch me that'd be so embarrassing! Ill make sure to thank him later!

After that Ochako and Deku walked to their tables and hung out until the period was over.

Before Urarakas next class started, she decided to go get something for Bakugou. Sort of like a thanks for helping her out earlier and for helping her in general. She went to a vending machine that only sold milk and tea.

Hmmm... Would Bakugou like tea? Or milk?

Uraraka chose milk. Milk makes you stronger right? He'd appreciate it for sure!

She started walking through the halls and saw Kirishima and Bakugou walking next to each other. She felt a little flustered sense Kiri was there, but went up to them anyways.

"Hey Bakugou! Um, thanks for earlier!" She then shows him the milk.

"Whats this?" Bakugou says tilting his head.

"Ah- its milk! Yknow, it helps you become stronger. And if you're gonna become the number 1 hero you're gonna need to be strong right?!" Uraraka says smiling.

Bakugou starts to laugh.

"Of course I'm gonna be number 1! I don't need your help though. Ill take the milk just because you bought it already." He then takes the milk and starts to walk away.

"Wait!" Kirishima says before both Uraraka and Bakugou could walk away.

"Hah? What is it?" Bakugou says while putting the straw into his milk carton.

"Seriously what's up with you two? Lately you guys have been weirdly close."

Urarakas cheeks turned pink. She didn't want another person to know about her feelings for Deku. I mean, not even Tsuyu knew.

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