Chapter 9

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Bakugou was studying in the library and he started getting distracted while writing his notes. He unconsciously drew a doodle of Uraraka on the side of his paper. Once he realized what he's drawn, he tried crossing it out. Except someone already saw it.

"Is that supposed to be Ochako?" Somebody asked bluntly. Bakugou turned around super fast and saw that frog girl Urarakas always with.

"No. Why would I be drawing her anyways??"

"Maybe because you like her." Tsuyu said bluntly again. She's honestly had her suspicions the day of the girls sleepover. She wasn't sure if Uraraka felt the same, but Bakugou definitely seemed like he had a crush of some sort.

"Ughh. Why the fuck is everyone saying that?" Bakugou huffed and turned back around. He doesn't like Uraraka he's already established that. The frog girl sat next to him though.

"Bakugou I don't think you're being honest to yourself."

What is she on about?

"Let me see your notebook."

"Hahh? No way why should I?" Bakugou held his book to his chest as if he's defending it.

"I just want to check something out." Frog girl said.

"Nuh-Uh no way frog girl."

"Its Tsuyu."

"Tsuyu, Frog girl, same thing."

Tsuyu rolls her eyes and takes the book out of his grasp. Bakugou tried to get it back, but got shushed for being to loud. And to confirm Tsus suspicions, there were tons of little doodles of Uraraka in his notebook. Some had her face with "shit" on top of her head. Some said annoying girl, stupid girl too. The last one he drew had him next to her though. It wasn't mean or anything. Tsuyu lifted her eyebrow and lifted up the book.

"Are you sure you dont like her?"

Bakugou snatched the book out of her hands and his cheeks burned red.

"O-Of course not." Bakugou said sheepishly.

"I won't tell anyone if you do," she shrugs. "Im assuming you dont know much about this kind of stuff yet, so you're in denial."

Who does this chick think she is? Analyzing Bakugou like he's some sort of patient at the lovesick doctor.

"Give me a fucking break!" Bakugou puts his head down. He doesn't know the first thing about romance. He doesn't want to like Uraraka. Does liking someone admit defeat? Is Bakugou weak?

"—And I like you!" Echoed in Bakugous head. Ever since she said that to him at that vending machine he couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Frog girl-"

"Its Tsuyu," she interrupts.

"Uraraka is annoying, stupid, and has a round face." Bakugou says leaving Tsuyu dumbfounded.

"But, maybe I-" Bakugou started to say. "Maybe I-"

"Maybe you like her?" Tsuyu asks giving him a gentle smile. Bakugous ears turned red and he nodded slowly while avoiding eye contact.

"So, what are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing obviously. She likes that fucking nerd." Bakugou sulks in his chair. "I'm not that prince charming she wants." Tsuyu tilted her head. How did he know that Ochako said that? Anyways she couldn't lie and say "Thats not true!", but maybe she can lift his spirits a little bit. She her hand on his back and said,

"You may not be a prince charming, but she definitely thinks highly of you." Bakugou tilts his head. "Honestly I shouldn't be the one saying this, but she respects you as a fighter and ever since she's told me and the girls that you two are friends, she looks genuinely happy when talking about you." Bakugou scratches his head and blushes a little.

"You know, you're not that bad, Tsuyu."

"Same to you." Tsu says smiling. "I've got to go, i'll see you around." She gets up and starts to leave. Bakugou takes a deep breath and pulls his hair. He finally admitted that he likes Uraraka. He's never telling anyone especially not his stupid group of friends. They'd go crazy,

Bakugou, Sero, Denki, and Kirishima were walking when they saw the girls carrying stacks of papers.

"Hellooo ladies, do you need some assistance with that?" Denki says in a flirty tone. Mina looks at the girls and starts giggling.

"You know what? Matter of a fact we do. Thanks!" Mina gives Denki her stack of papers making him fall. Hagakure gave Kirishima hers which he gladly took with a smile. Jirou and Momo gave theirs to Sero. And lastly Uraraka gave hers to Bakugou.

The group started walking towards the office and everyone was talking to each other except Uraraka and Bakugou. He gulped and sweat dripped down on his head. He was nervous. Uraraka glanced at him and Bakugou looked at her. The eye contact made his ears red and he turned away quickly. Uraraka tilted her head.

Whats up with him? She thought to herself.

They reached the office and put their stacks of paper away. Before Uraraka left, she went up to Bakugou.

"Thanks for helping us! You're the best!" Uraraka smiled and waved bye. Bakugous heart raced. he already knew he was the best, but hearing it from Uraraka sounded better. He forced his blush away before anyone saw it and went back to his friends.

As they were walking, Bakugou just kept replaying the nice things she's said about him over and over. It was honestly driving him insane. Is this what liking someone does to you? Bakugou grumbled and continued to walk with his friends.

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