Chapter 3

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Dekus been noticing weird behaviors between Bakugou and Uraraka. I mean, he already knew Bakugou was a bit explosive, but Uraraka too? Its strange. Sometimes when Izuku would talk with Uraraka, Bakugou would somehow pop up or be near them. Not that Deku minded that, it just felt strange. And don't think Deku didn't notice the passing notes thing that happened awhile ago because he saw that too. He's been meaning to ask Uraraka about it, but didn't want to pry into her business.

It was end of class and only Izuku and Uraraka were
left in the classroom. They were working together and must've not noticed class was over. As Deku was finishing up his last problem, the thought of her and Bakugous strange behavior came up. He put his pencil down and looked at Uraraka.

"Hey Uraraka?" He asks nervously.

"Yeah?" Uraraka looks up at him.

"I was just wondering- not that it's any of my business or anything! Whats with you and Kacchan?"

"Oh." Uraraka says with a blush rising on her face.

"Ah- You don't have to tell me if you don't want to!" Deku says waving his hands in a waving motion.

"H-He's helping me study lately! Nothing else!"

Ahhh that makes sense. Kacchan is one of the smartest students!

"Oh okay! You guys should let me in on one of your next study sessions!" Deku says smiling.

"Aha.. Sure!"

Something about Urarakas demeanor is a bit off? Maybe Deku was prying into her business. Deku then felt a wave of guilt wash over him.

"Anyways! I think it's about time we leave right? Everyone left the classroom already."

Uraraka looks around and yeah, no ones there. They're alone.

"You're right!" Uraraka stands up and gets to grab her bag, except her bag got stuck to the table somehow. She struggled and struggled, but the bag wouldn't budge.

"Stupid bag!"

"Here, let me help." Deku gets up and tries to pull the bag, but her hands were still pulling the bag too. He pulls it hard and that pulls Uraraka too, making them butt heads.

"Crap!" Deku holds his head and walks backwards, but trips on his shoelace. He falls and hits his head on the back of Bakugous desk.

"Oh my gosh! Deku are you alright???"

"About 80 percent of the world's population was born with a supernatural power called quirks.." Deku mumbles as his eyes spiral like a cartoon character.

"What?!! Has he gone delirious???"

Uraraka drops her bag and goes to Deku. She immediately thought to go to recovery girl. What if he gets a concussion or something?

Fast forward like 30 minutes, Uraraka has been dragging a passed out Deku.

"Dont worry Deku! We're almost- *wheeze* there!"

Uraraka continues to drag him, but falls to her knees because of how tired she was.

"Yknow, you dont look all that heavy, but in reality you are so heavy!!" Uraraka says to him. As she closes her eyes a little, when she opens them she sees Bakugou. Startled, she flinches and backs up to a wall.

"Geez! You scared me!" Uraraka says.

"What are ya doin? And whats with him?" Bakugou asks then waves his hands in front of Dekus face.

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