Chapter 2

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Tom was walking through the grounds. He had been the first one to get off Hogwarts express and mount the wagons, the other guys from the group he hung around knew he wanted this time for himself and therefore didn't rush out like he had.

Only when seated with a few terrified second- and third years had he noticed that the wagons did not drag themself like they normally did. Instead there was some kind of creature dragging them. The horse-like creature looked deadly thin, it was black and had broad wings. The skin almost looked like leather, and it was looking right back at him, holding his gaze and barely blinking. Tom was bewildered as he sat in the wagon. No one else seemed to notice them, only him, therefore he didn't dare ask anyone. He just simply sat back, a chill going down his spine, as the creatures started dragging the wagons up to the castle and finally averting their gazes from him.

As the journey took place he couldn't quite do as he normally did and really appreciated the castle. Instead he felt the strong need to go to the library to look up these horses or whatever they were. Maybe he could ask Professor Kettleburn about them as well. He had been appointed the new professor for care of magical creatures and was very young. From what Tom had gathered about him from previous years, he was rather credulous, he would probably just think Tom was interested in learning more about the subject itself.

As they came to a halt before the magnificent castle all of the other students rushed in towards the great hall and all of their friends, somewhat eager to get away from the brooding 6th year as well. Tom however, had his own little tradition which was to walk around the grounds for a little, just to take in that he was finally here again. It had started in his second year, he was just so happy to be free of the orphanage once again for a whole year. Free of the feeling of unwanted, of misplaced and an abomination. Free from the other kids, who had bullied him for years. However, they didn't dare to any longer. Tom had made several points of what happened to people who came in his way. He remembered in particular a trip to the Crystal Cave where he had made two of his most tenacious bullies climb down with him and proceeded to terrorise them further inside of the cave. They never met his eye after that day, always stopped talking when he entered the room. Their fear was so much better than he could imagine friendship would taste like.

Tom made his way down the grounds, towards the black lake and around the big tree he usually sat at during the warmer days to study, further towards the forbidden forest. He closed his eyes and breathed in what felt like the first real breath of the summer, and startled a little upon opening his eyes again. It was then he saw her. A girl sat on the grass, looking very out of place. She had incredibly bushy hair and her Hogwarts trunk beside her, and a very ugly ginger cat in a cage. And she was... crying, rather heavily. Tom frowned. How had she ended up here, disturbing his precious walk, his tradition for Salazar's sake. Her cat meowed as he detected him, focusing his yellow eyes on his familiar to make her aware of his presence. The girl didn't spot him, simply starting to cry even heavier. He needed to say something so she knew he was there, and not just staring at her like a lunatic. He needed to continue his charade as the perfect prefect whom everyone loved, all but Dumbledore of course.

"Excuse me miss...? Er, may I be of service?" he asked, trying to sound as helpful as he could.

Turning on his charm so she would trust him. He was rather good with that, which was a very good thing considering last year's bravado with the chamber of secrets. Framing Hagrid had taken a lot of charm and persuasion. Luckily, they all had bought it quite easily. It wasn't hard believing Hagrid had accidently set loose a monster after all, considering the usual company he had kept during his few years at Hogwarts. Always sneaking off to the forbidden forest, and keeping a damn Acromantula in the castle... even for Hagrid that was daft.

The girl's eyes went up to meet him, she dried her tears a bit and then startled. She even almost jumped. And she was looking at him with what looked like both fear and disgust in her eyes. Tom frowned. Most people were quite mesmerized when they saw him for the first time. He had been told on several occasions that he was indeed quite handsome. Not that he let it get to his head, but considering several girls over the years had openly declared their crushes on him it was quite hard to avoid the fact. But this girl looked upon him with loathing. It almost looked like she recognized him from somewhere, and yet he had never seen the girl in his life.

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